Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Thomas,

reviewing this package, I have some comments:

- Can you please merge the d/changelog entries for (in Debian)
unreleased versions?
- The Debian changelog seems incomplete, I see (packaing) changes which
are not documented. Please also try to expand a bit on the changes, e.g
did the SV update require you add changes? (documenting "why has this
changed" is important as additional information to the "what")
- You do not need to specify the standards versions 4th digit, this
digit is for editorial changes only. So it is sufficient to declare
compatiblitliy with e.g 4.4.1 (which has been released since you put
this package to mentors)
- d/test/control is a empty file. I don't think that is right.

d/compat can be obsoleted. (


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