On Fri, 03 Jan 2020 16:23:14 -0500 Calum McConnell <calumlikesapple...@gmail.com> wrote:
I was unfortunate enough to have the oppoiste order of installs: the
four packages, and then URE.  That meant URE's install failed, and I
was left with apt complaining about a broken system.  To get out of it,
I used dpkg -r to get rid of the offending four packages, and then
installed ure.  Of course, then apt began moaning that libreoffice-
java-common was broken, but I removed that and the packages I had
depending on it.
Obviously I would like them back, but libreoffice is working just fine
without them. Just wanted to put my workarround up here in case anybody else had the
same bad luck as me.

Thanks very much, Calum. I was able to repair my system with:

dpkg -r libjuh-java libjurt-java libridl-java libunoloader-java

followed by:

apt --fix-broken install

LibreOffice then seems to work normally. I did not have libreoffice-java-common installed. I note that the four removed packages are recommends for ure; these were not installed by "apt --fix-broken install". Plain installation would likely attempt to install the conflicting recommended packages for most users (and fail).

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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