Severity: wishlist

Hi Dmitry Smirnov and Arnaud Rebillout,

I would like to have a standalone containerd package. Containerd has
CRI(Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface) support[1].
This makes it possible to run containerd alone without docker, eg on a
Kubernetes node[2]. And I don't need features like `docker build` in
this scenario.

Would you like to:
a. build a separate containerd package from src:containerd
b. build a separate containerd package from

I think nowadays the docker upstream has much improvement on the
dependencies versions. So a separate src:containerd makes sense. I
checked the docker-ce repo, it has pull containerd 1.3 to its master.
So if you like the option a, I could help move the current
src:containerd from experimental to unstable, when the next docker
major release happens. (of course, the version of containerd should
sync with the docker release.)


Shengjing Zhu

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