
> "localhost/adminer" or similar does not start the program = adminer.php file

Can you be more explicit on what you are trying to do? Did you type
localhost/adminer in your browser address bar?

> there is no man page

There usually is no man page for web apps unless they provide cli tools.

> no guidance on setup or configuration

Did you read the basic guidance in
/usr/share/doc/adminer/README.Debian ? I see that you are using
stable, and the stable version lacks some things that make setup
easier. You should either use the backport or see for instance

> on the internet I see people just installing directly into
> /var/www/html?

Which instructions? Where?

This is not a support channel. If you feel there is a bug in adminer,
please rephrase and be more specific on what you were expecting and
how what you did find was not enough. If you need support, please
close this bug, rephrase, be more specific and use one of the numerous
support channels, for instance send a mail to

Thank you,


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