
On 07.01.20 00:57, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Package: obfs4proxy
> Version: 0.0.8-1
> Severity: wishlist
> There is a new upstream release of obfs4proxy available (at the time
> of writing, 0.0.11):
>   https://qa.debian.org/cgi-bin/watch?pkg=obfs4proxy
> However, this will require the packaging of at least https://
> gitlab.com/yawning/utls.

Quoting Ana Custura:

We have 2 options going forward: we can package yawning's fork of uTLS
or we can drop meek-lite support from the obfs4proxy package. We need to
carefully consider this, as it is the only meek client currently
packaged in Debian. I have built a package that drops meek-lite support
(which is easily disabled) of version 0.0.11.

There are some licensing issues that need to be resolved with yawning's
fork of uTLS [3] before we consider looking at packaging it.


[2] https://mentors.debian.net/package/obfs4proxy

[3] https://gitlab.com/yawning/utls#why-dont-you-upstream-the-changes

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