> I hope that helps!

Yes, thanks! I will try to allocate some time to look into this.


On Tue, 14 Jan 2020 at 14:15, Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2020-01-13 23:10:09, Gabriele wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > May I ask to clarify what the request is about?
> It's about shipping the austin-tui binary in Debian, in one form or the
> other.
> > Is it for a new Debian package, e.g. austin-tui, to be produced so
> > that it is easier to install the TUI? Or is it a request for providing
> > the TUI already with the installation of the existing Austin package?
> I don't mind either way. I guess the decision should be made based on
> the dependencies the new binary would generate. If there's extra
> undesired dependencies, I'd put it in a separate package, yes.
> > At the moment, installation from the Github repository is, imho, easy
> > enough. I would be a bit reluctant to create a dedicated package or
> > ship the TUI as an official application because it is more of an
> > example of how to use Austin than a properly maintained tool (although
> > I appreciate that it can be quite useful; I use it quite frequently
> > myself too).
> After reading the README, I didn't feel the TUI app was an example as
> much as the real thing. My thinking is that, out of the box, austin is
> not very useful in itself... You need to pipe it into *something* to
> have good results, and none of those "things" are really available in
> Debian by default. So it would be nice if this could work better with
> software in Debian, as opposed to telling people to install unreviewed
> software from the internet...
> > Anyway, once it is clearer to me what is being asked for with this
> > issue report I can have a look and see what I can do :).
> I hope that helps!
> a.
> --
> PHP was originally designed explicitly for non-programmers (and, reading
> between the lines, non-programs); it has not well escaped its roots.
>                          - Alex Munroe, PHP: a fractal of bad design

"Egli è scritto in lingua matematica, e i caratteri son triangoli,
cerchi, ed altre figure
geometriche, senza i quali mezzi è impossibile a intenderne umanamente parola;
senza questi è un aggirarsi vanamente per un oscuro laberinto."

-- G. Galilei, Il saggiatore.

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