On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 17:36:21 +0100 Julien Puydt <julien.pu...@laposte.net> 
> I fixed the brial package which was the culprit for the missing
> symbols, and can confirm that what is needed is only :
> modify env.py so SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR points to /usr/share/sagemath/bin 

If SAGE_SCRIPTS_DIR were set to that directory in /usr/bin/sagemath, then I 
believe it would fix my bug #948731 about sage -v and sage --root not working.

Looking at the shell script, it seems sage-env is only sourced after checking 
for -v, --root, and --advanced, and that might be the cause of my issue. I 
would appreciate if you would take a look.

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