On Sat, Apr 01, 2006 at 06:23:02PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 31, 2006 at 06:58:24PM +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:15:10PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> > > Here's an updated copy of the tool, which should be runnable now
> > > without copying it; the dehs stuff might be in flux, though..
> > 
> > Anyone got an idea for a better name than dev-best-practice, since it
> > seems like something we could just stick in /usr/bin and be done with
> > it?
> > 
> > Something like dev-check-system or dev-package-status or something
> > like that?
> Sure, whatever :)  "devcheck" is too much like the QA debcheck, but
> how about "dev-checker"?

Sounds good!

> > BTW, I have an additional way of avoiding the "killing the BTS at
> > 02:00 local time": just change the heading to say:
> > 
> > # Best-practice information for Debian developers
> > # intended to be run periodically as a cronjob, for example weekly as:
> > #   0 hour * * day  /usr/bin/dev-best-practice
> > # (replacing hour and day by your preferred times!)
> I prefer to give something copy-and-paste-able, and which doesn't
> assume that everyone wont use day=0 hour=0.

There are two options here:
(1) Trust that developers are competent enough to make the change
    themselves, or
(2) Not trust them.

And everyone using day=0 hour=0 will be identical to everyone using
day=0 hour=2!

I'd prefer to go for option 1.

Of course, if we want to do it automatically, we could stick it into
/etc/cron.weekly ourselves, but I'd be inundated by bug reports if I
did that!

> I'm attaching the most recent copy; help2man output is even sane.

Nice, thanks!  Although I may well write my own manpage, 'cos I'm
planning to tweak this some....  See comments on code below.

> #! /bin/bash
> # dev-checker
> # Best-practice information for Debian developers;
> # intended to be run periodically as a cronjob;
> # weekly:
> #  0 2 * * 0 /usr/share/doc/devscripts/examples/dev-best-practice --delay 
> --mail

Need to change this line...

> [...]
> set -e;
> version=0;

change to devscripts version and use generic devscripts usage/version

> # Options' default values are candidates for devscripts.conf...
> XMAIL='';
> XDELAY='';

I have an alternative suggestion:

if [ -t 1 ]; then
   do interactively, --no-mail and --no-delay
   use --mail and --delay

> function version ()
> {
>       echo "$0 ($version)"
>       echo;
>       echo "Copyright (C) 2006 Justin Pryzby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;";
>       echo "Distributed under the MIT license grant.";
> }

Ah, a different license :)

>       echo " --mail           Send mail rather than displaying to stdout"
>       echo " --delay          Delay for a random time interval at startup"

And will need --no-mail and --no-delay options too.

> while test $# -gt 0; do

Use getopt :)

> if [ -n "$XMAIL" ]; then
>       exec 3>&1;
>       exec 1> >(mail -s "Debian fixme list for $LOGNAME on `date +%x`" 

Nice one :)

> fi;
> src "/etc/devscripts.conf";
> src "$HOME/.devscripts";
> if [ -z "$DEBEMAIL" ]; then
>       echo "DEBEMAIL is unset; this output wont be as complete";
>       echo "You should consider setting it in ~/.devscripts"; 

No, can't set DEBEMAIL in .devscripts, need to set it in the
environment.  Could also have a command-line option for setting it.

> else

[sequence of checks]

>       echo "Checking for your bugs tagged moreinfo:";
>       lynx -dump "$bts/from:$DEBEMAIL&include=moreinfo" |

I'd prefer not to rely on lynx/links if possible and make do with

Also, need to test for the presence of the required programs (such as
wget) before running these checks.

>        sed -ne '/^[[:space:]]*\* \[[[:digit:]]\+\]\(#[[:digit:]]\)/s//\1/p';
>        # grep -E '^[[:space:]]*\* \[[[:digit:]]+\]#[[:digit:]]+' |
>        # sed -e 's/^[^#]*//';

Why the commented out lines?

> [...]

> if [ -n "$XMAIL" ]; then
>       exec >&-;
>       exec 1>&3;
> fi;

Not sure what this bit does; wouldn't exec 1>&3- be adequate?

Finally, I think it would be nice to have a devscripts option
DEVCHECKER_EXCLUDE which would be a colon-separated list of tests to
skip.  Then each test would read:

case ":$EXCLUDE:" in
    :thistest:) # skip test
    *)  # do test


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