On Wed 22 Jan 2020, Pavel Rau?? wrote:
> The rsync daemon starting via systemd unit including in the package ignore
> variables in file /etc/default/rsync.
> Could you fix this issue by adding EnvironmentFile into Service part of
> systemd unit?
> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/rsync

Unfortunately it's not that simple, those variables are not directly
used by the rsync daemon; they were used in the init.d script to modify
how rsync is started.

As the default file says:

# This file is only used for init.d based systems!
# If this system uses systemd, you can specify options etc. for rsync
# in daemon mode by copying /lib/systemd/system/rsync.service to
# /etc/systemd/system/rsync.service and modifying the copy; add required
# options to the ExecStart line.


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