Control: tag -1 -moreinfo

Hallo Everyone,

so here comes the additional info:

the CVE-2020-5202 fix was applied to Sid/Bullseye and reached Testing
without any bugreports. I had to reupload once in the meantime due to a
glitch in the Debian package (yeas, I f*ed it up, right in the great
git-based process and I am sorry, but it should all be fine now).

Now I am planning to make an upstream release, which consolidates:

- backport of CVE-2020-5202 fix from Bullseye (mostly identical, adapted
  for different function signatures, omits refactoring which comes handy
  here but hey, let's change as less possible for Stable)
- minor extension (.zst as additional compression format alongside of
  .gz,.bz2,.lzma,.xz). NO extra processing code, just passing through
  that data instead of rejecting them.
- the fix of #942634 which affects the operation with current mirrors
  and which was the original motivation for this ticket

I would like to have some kind of confirmation from the release team
that this mail does not go straight to /dev/null and that a new upstream
(minor) version is an acceptable candidate for a Stable update. I can,
of course, convert all that into debian/patches/XXX but honestly, that
would really feel like greenwashing.

The changes reported here can be reviewed at ,
starting with the commit from 2019-12-20. I am testing this version in
my daily operations now. That test base is small, of course, if anyone
has a better idea, please let me know.

In case you encounter something not understandable in those changes,
feel free to ping me via comments in Salsa git review, and I will
explain what this is about.

Best regards,

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