Am 24.01.20 um 21:53 schrieb peter green:

> I still don't think -march=native is appropriate for a binary
> distribution though. If you want to offer different versions of the
> code built with different CPU requirements, that is fine, but please
> don't let them depend on what CPU happens to be in the autobuilder.

Better ideas are welcome.

Tesseract is used for mass processing of books which can take many weeks
or even months. Therefore it is very important that the time critical
code (dot product calculation) runs as fast as possible.

For x86_64 we know the available SIMD instructions (SSE, AVX, ...) which
can be used, add code for all variants and check at runtime what is
supported by the CPU.

For all other architectures (including ARM) there is currently no such
special code, and the default code is rather slow. By using
-march=native for the alternate code, hopefully the compiler will
produce code which runs faster on any machine which is similar to the
build machine. Users who build Tesseract on the machine which is also
used for the mass production will get the best result like that. Users
using a distribution can try the "native" option and either crash the
program or get a possibly faster result.

I see the problem of builds which depend on an autobuilder which may be
different for each build. What would be the best solution for
distributions? Suppress the code using a new configure option or some
magic which detects that the build is for a Debian distribution? Choose
compiler flags manually for the "native" option (that is already
possible, see my previous answer)? Other solutions?


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