If the names of archive members contain spaces, then when you try to extract 
them using

  -T file-name

an error message is displayed and the operation is canceled.

I am sorry, slip-up.

True Example: 

$ mkdir "test 1"
$ echo "asdfghh" > "test 1/test 1.txt"

$ tar -czv  -f "test 1.tar.xz" "test 1"

$ echo "test 1/" > "list.txt"
$ echo "test 1/test 1.txt" >> "list.txt"

$ tar -xv  -f "test 1.tar.xz" -T list.txt"
test 1/
test 1/test 1.txt
tar: test 1/list.txt: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

But it's OK running:
$ tar -xv -f "test 1.tar.xz" "test 1/test 1.txt"
test 1/test 1.txt                          

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