
Taking the england-latest.osm.pbf from
https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/great-britain.html it does fail
with 0.5.4 after several minutes of processing with (not a segfault
per say but still failing):

PROGRESS9: Processed 47104 nodes (8208 out) 0 ways 62282 relations 0
tiles 7:17 181 MB
PROGRESS9: Processed 47104 nodes (8208 out) 0 ways 62282 relations 0
tiles 7:47 181 MB
PROGRESS9: Processed 47104 nodes (8208 out) 0 ways 62282 relations 0
tiles 8:17 181 MB
worker 3 exit
PROGRESS9: Processed 47104 nodes (8208 out) 0 ways 62282 relations 0
tiles 8:18 181 MB
PROGRESS9: Processed 47104 nodes (8208 out) 0 ways 0 relations 0 tiles
8:18 181 MB
process_multipolygons:process (thread 0)
process_multipolygons:finish (thread 0)
maptool: /build/navit-vwCTlu/navit-0.5.4+dfsg.1/navit/maptool/itembin.c:93:
item_bin_copy_attr: Assertion `attr == attr_osm_wayid' failed.

You mention in the bug there that you were able to run your pbf by
compiling maptool from the git repo. What compilation flags did you

Thanks for  your help,

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