Package: debcargo
Version: 2.4.2-1
Control: block 947709 with -1
Control: affects -1 + src:rust-clang-sys

Debcargo populates the Depends: fields of its autopkgtests with
dev_depends (see line 516 of src/debian/, in the creation of a
new PkgTest object).

However, some tests (like rust-clang-sys, see #947709) require some
extra dependencies because they test some recommended-but-not-universal
mechanism of the source package.

So it would be good to be able to indicate in debcargo.toml some
additional autopkgtest dependencies.

Simplest might be to add a dependency for *all* generated autopkgtests,
but i can imagine there are some subtler requirements which will need to
be for specific autopkgtests in the future.


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