Hi, Hugo,

thanks for reaching out.

On Mon, 27 Jan 2020, Hugo Ziviani wrote:
> I think this is not exactly a bug.

Are you saying this because you think that this is more like a
reasonable feature that is missing, as opposed to a bug that causes
crashes or wrong output?  If so, I would say that we don't need to care
too much about the words: bug, issue, feature, you-name-it.  These
words are used interchangeably sometimes/by some people.  If not, can
you explain why you think that this is not a bug?

> Could anyone give-me more information if I start upstream or I can
> start from here downstream.

Since it really looks like an upstream bug, I think it would be better
if it was fixed there first.  That way, we won't have to carry a patch
in Debian (which is problematic, since upstream can have a different
judgement on whether this needs fixing or not, which is why I avoid
downstream patches as much as possible), and we will just wait for
upstream to make a new release and the bug will be gone sort of

On the other hand, you don't *have* to fix it upstream first.  If you
don't want to fix this upstream, I'll happily accept a patch from you
here in Debian (then I would forward it upstream).  It's really up to
you. :)

Do you have a patch already?
Could you send it to me here (or send it upstream and post a link
here), please?

Thanks again,

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