Control: retitle -1 haveged requires debhelper >= 12.5
Control: tag -1 + moreinfo

Hi Daniel,

On Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 09:43:07AM +0100, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> haveged 1.9.8-1 FTBFS on stable because it requires debhelper >= 12.5
> without declaring so.

I'm not able to reproduce your issue; I literally just made a backport
without changing the original package (except for the d/changelog entry),
which built fine in my buster-backports environment.

I might upload it later, but I would need to test it first, especially as it
includes some rather-invasive changes in the systemd unit's security
configuration that I only landed now in unstable.

Could you include the full build log, including the commands used for the build?

In particular, could the issue be that you are trying to run `dh clean` outside
the build environment?  If you use sbuild, try passing --no-clean-source to
avoid doing that (git-buildpackage already ensures the source is clean).



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