retitle 360141 po4a regenerates po files inconditionally

On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 11:01:34PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 10:28:49PM +0200, Martin Quinson wrote:
> > Here is an example of problem:
> > Imagine three times: day1 < day2 < day3
> > POT gets updated on day1 and day2
> > Translator works on day3, but based on pot of day1.
> > 
> > The po file must be updated against the day2 pot version, even if hte po
> > file itself is more recent.
> > 
> > 
> > Then, you could argue that we have to use the POT revision dates from the
> > header instead of trusting the file modification date, but it will not help
> > us much here. We rely on msgmerge to do the merge, with the -U flag to
> > update the po file. Unfortunately, the documentation says:
> >   -U, --update
> >    update def.po, do nothing if def.po already up to date
> > 
> > It does not even update the POT revision date of the po file (just tested).
> > 
> > 
> > So, in summary, I think that we should: 
> >  - use the POT revision date to decide whether we update the po file or not
> >  - bug msgmerge for not updating this when the other fields do not change
> >    or not rely on "msgmerge *-U*" here
> PO files should always be updated when they need to be updated, otherwise
> translators may work on outdated files, so these solutions are IMO not
> satisfactory.  With po-debconf (more precisely in the GeneratePOTemplate
> function of /usr/share/intltool-debian/intltool-update) the POT file is
> generated into templates.pot-update, and if templates.pot does already
> exist, the header field of both files is removed, and remaining files are
> compared (note to self: maybe msgcmp could be used instead?).  If they
> differ (or if templates.pot does not exist), templates.pot-update is
> renamed into templates.pot.  This solution works pretty well.

Actually, I'm not far from thinking that this is not a bug here. Trying to
over-optimize stuff and only rebuild the po file when mandatory may lead to
some strange effects. 

But as usual, I leave up to nekral (as upstream main developper) to decide
what to do here.

Robert, what do you think of all these new elements? Do you still consider
this as a bug?

Bye, Mt.

For every complex problem there is a solution which is simple, neat and wrong.

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