control: tags -1 patch

On 3 Sep 2009 James Vega <> wrote:
> In doing a little more poking around, I see this is only an issue when
> using querybts on a source package.  This may simply be an artifact of
> screen-scraping the BTS, but I'd have to do some tests with the BTS'
> SOAP interface to verify that.
> It does make sense that the source-based view wouldn't show it since
> affects is usually used against a binary package.  The downside to the
> default source-based view that querybts (used via reportbug) is that the
> user likely misses the bugs affecting the package against which the bug
> is being filed.
> One potential solution is to specifically query the binary package bug
> pages for the "affects" bugs, but that's a potential drastic increase in
> traffic to the BTS per reportbug invocation.  The long-term goal of
> switching to SOAP would likely make this trivial.

There is now a merge request on salsa that will make reportbug/querybts
also list bugs that affect the target package:

However, this small change does not solve the other problem already
hinted at above: By default reportbug shows the list of bugs belonging
to the source package of the target package, while "affects:" are more
likely to be set for binary target packages. Really showing a more
complete bug list by default would therefore require a different approach.

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