On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 01:19:08PM +0100, Serafeim Zanikolas wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: normal
> I request an adopter for the reconf-inetd package.
> The package description is:
>  reconf-inetd is a dpkg-trigger script that updates the configuration of the
>  internet superserver. It is a replacement for update-inetd, as per DEP9.
>  .
>  If the above does not mean anything to you, then you most certainly do not
>  need this package.
> I do not have the time to be the sole driver of DEP9, and its implementation,
> reconf-inetd. reconf-inetd is pretty much complete, it works, and it comes
> with dozens of system tests. Remaining work includes:
> - port to python 3

Hi Serafeim,
Let's remove reconf-inetd? The lack of a Python 3 port is now a pressing
issue given that Python 2 is removed and It's RFAd since 2013, there are no
rdeps and inetd itself is going away in favour of systemd socket activation
over time.


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