On Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 6:37 AM Adrian Bunk <b...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 06, 2020 at 09:20:31PM -0500, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 2, 2020 at 6:51 AM Adrian Bunk <b...@debian.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 04:06:28PM -0500, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> > > >...
> > > > python-txsocksx -> foolscap -> tahoe-lafs
> > > >
> > > > both foolscap and tahoe-lafs were removed from testing, so to my
> > > > script python-txsocksx appears as a leaf package (as its removal wont
> > > > break already broken/RC packages not in testing). not sure what we
> > > > want to do here, none of the 2 other packages will get fix anytime
> > > > soon and may get removed from debian entirely at some point.
> > > >...
> > >
> > > The latter statement is not true.
> > >
> > > Both tahoe-lafs and foolscap have substantial upstream activities
> > > towards Python 3 porting,
> >
> > my statement says "none of the 2 other packages will get fix anytime
> > soon and may get removed from debian entirely at some point" -- what
> > do you find un-true about it?
> >
> > i did not say those projects python3 port is not being worked on, but
> > i say that they are not close to finishing it, which includes both
> > porting the code *and* testing it and finally release a version that
> > has the python3 port.
> To me it looks likely to be finished in time for the bullseye freeze.

that'd be great, so they could be easily re-introduced in Debian once
they are ready.

> > for tahoe-lafs the effort is tracked at
> > https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/milestone/Support%20Python%203
> > which is currently marked at 89% completed; it was marked to be
> > completed by Dec 1, 2019, so they are 2 months behind their own
> > schedule (again, no blaming, just stating facts)
> >...
> You are pushing strongly for the removal of a package where upstream is

"pushing strongly"? I opened a bug against a package that's not
actively maintained upstream, waited a week (without any objection or
reply), and then reassigned it to ftp.d.o.

It may be quicker than usual Debian processes, but definitely not "strongly"

> working hard on Python 3 porting which is already 89% completed.
> (no blaming, just stating facts)

i'm afraid you got facts mixed up: i asked for the removal of
txsocksx, while it's tahoe-lafs port that's at 89% completion.

Please also consider this: right now, txsocksx has no python3 support;
so either the new port of tahoe-lafs to python3 has removed the
dependency on txsocksx or they are gonna have to wait for a port to be
available. In any case, txsocksx can be removed right now and
reintroduced when ported to python3 (or even never, if that wont

> It has happened that a removal bug was filed for a Python2 using package
> that was executed by the ftp team despite objection from the Debian 
> maintainer.
> (again, no blaming, just stating facts)

is this the case? according to PTS you're not part of the
maintainers/uploaders for txsocksx, tahoe-lafs or foolscap, and to my
knowledge none of them objected here. What am i missing?

> For many maintainers the approaching bullseye freeze is the deadline
> when they get all their packages into shape. Some people have enough
> spare time to work on Debian continuously, others don't.

and that's why there are people helping out, what's your point here?

> Many upstream developers also have priorities that can make it a
> challenge to find the time to do a proper conversion to Python 3, and
> made it lower priority when the conversion didn't bring any benefits.
> (again, no blaming, just stating facts)

right, but according to https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/
there has been plenty of time to migrate to python3, so i do
understand the human nature to procrastinate until the very last
moment (i do that all the time!) but that moment is now. It's also a
good indication if that upstream project is still maintained or not,
which consequently allow Debian to drop such projects, which i believe
is the case for txsocksx.

> Removal from testing is not really problematic, but removal from Debian
> is something that should not be done too aggressively.

are you referring to this specific example or any other of *my*
activities towards the py2removal effort? i dont see how this removal
request is aggressive.

just realize removing txsocksx will allow `src:parsley` to drop its
python2 support, since it's the only remaining rdep.

> > > the reasonable way forward would be to close
> > > this RM bug and watch how it all will get resolved in a few months with
> > > new upstream versions.
> >
> > We've been known the end of python2 support would be in 2020 since
> > years, i'm not sure it's fair for the projects that took the time
> > earlier and to the debian maintainers to ask to keep supporting
> > python2 packages for (relatively) old software for additional *few months*.
> >...
> What always strikes me as weird is the py2keep option, why are you
> offering that some packages can use Python 2.7 for an additional
> *Debian release*?

well, you need to ask that to who crafted the bug template.

There *are* cases where it makes sense, the one that comes to mind is
moin: wiki.d.o uses that software and we're in no position to switch
to a different wiki engine; moin hasnt been ported to python3 yet
(likely it wont) so it is justifiable to mark it as py2keep.

> Much of the python2 removal only makes sense when the point is to not
> have to ship and security support Python 2.7 in Debian 11.

the level of security support will be decided by the security team in
concert with the release team, if i remember correctly how it was done
in the part (f.e. with chromium and node?)

> There are plenty of older unsupported interpreters and libraries for
> various languages in Debian, if Debian 11 ends up shipping Phyton 2.7
> then most python2 users are not a problem and using python2 is better
> for our users than some of the blind 2to3 conversions to Python3 that
> have been done resulting in broken packages.

that is in no way a reason not delay the work on py2removal.

we started at ~3500 bugs, we are at ~1000 still pending now. in no way
they could have been worked on and resolved if maintainers only worked
during the bullseye freeze.

If we end up with 2/300 python2 modules/apps in bullseye (for
important packages) that's already a good win, and the security and
infrastructural implications of having such a small subset of packages
will be entirely different than (say) 1500 still pending.

I spent a great deal of time replying to you (which i may have spent
in trying to drop some other package python2 support, f.e.), so let me
be direct and ask you: what is the problem you want to raise *here*?
what's your problem here? are you objecting to the removal of
txsocksx? if not, please bring your considerations to
debian-python@l.d.o and let's have the FTP Masters proceed with this
package removal.

Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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