Package: smokeping
Version: 2.7.3-2
Severity: wishlist

smokeping upstream doesn't really provide much documentation on how to setup smokeping in apache. The debian package at least provides the /etc/apache2/conf-available/smokeping.conf file which helps a lot.

In addition to that, here are some things I had to do:

* install alias module so that ScriptAlias and Alias work
* install mpm_prefork and cgi modules (is there a way to use event or worker?)
* setup SSL with letsencrypt
  - install the ssl module, and also the mime module since ssl uses
      AddType and socache_shmcb module
  - if you are doing this and using the webserver itself to provide
   proof of controlling the host you might need to exclude the
   .well-known dir with something like:
RedirectMatch ^/(?!.well-known.*)$
* install authz_core module since "Require all granted" is used
* I also password protected mine which required: auth_basic,
   authn_core, authn_file

The webserver section of the upstream install document at

   The important thing is, to have a webserver which allows you to run
   CGI and preferably FastCGI scripts. If you are using Apache I
   strongly recommend using the suexec system for running CGI scripts as
   a particular user.

   See and for more
   information on this.

It would be nice to document how to do this and maybe switch the conf-available to use that method.

Maybe these things could be made into a README.apache that could be included. It could start with

"The smokeping package includes an apache config at /etc/apache2/conf-available/smokeping.conf that is enabled by default." and the talk about the needed modules and maybe how to a2disconf it and Include it in another conf instead, etc.


Matt Taggart

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