>> I know. It was by lualatex-dev in TeXLive 2019 as of 14 Februrary.
> Within the next 2 months or so TeX Live 2020 pretest will be uploaded,
> which will contain luahbtex and all the required changes.

As you know, lualatex-dev in TeXlive 2019 (after Nov. 2019)
will almost the same as
lualatex in TeXlive 2020, so I bet this #930292 will remain the same,
which of couse I do not welcome...
I wonder if this issue (huge memory comsumption with a huge number
(e.g. 65535) of glyphs) can be fixed...
I understand that lualatex has to examine every pair of all the glyphs,
which could be 65535 * 65535 paris...

Best regards, Ryutaroh

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