Source: node-chokidar
Version: 3.3.1-2
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200222 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> # No pkg-js-tools auto build
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
>    dh_auto_test --buildsystem=nodejs
>       /bin/sh -e debian/tests/pkg-js/test
>   chokidar
>     ✓ should expose public API methods
> (non-polling)
>       watch a directory
>         ✓ should produce an instance of chokidar.FSWatcher
>         ✓ should expose public API methods
>         ✓ should emit `add` event when file was added (45ms)
>         ✓ should emit nine `add` events when nine files were added in one 
> directory (1294ms)
>         - should emit thirtythree `add` events when thirtythree files were 
> added in nine directories
>         ✓ should emit `addDir` event when directory was added
>         ✓ should emit `change` event when file was changed
>         ✓ should emit `unlink` event when file was removed (103ms)
>         ✓ should emit `unlinkDir` event when a directory was removed (43ms)
>         ✓ should emit two `unlinkDir` event when two nested directories were 
> removed (5027ms)
>         ✓ should emit `unlink` and `add` events when a file is renamed (123ms)
>         ✓ should emit `add`, not `change`, when previously deleted file is 
> re-added (145ms)
>         ✓ should not emit `unlink` for previously moved files (404ms)
>         ✓ should survive ENOENT for missing subdirectories
>         ✓ should notice when a file appears in a new directory
>         ✓ should watch removed and re-added directories (1545ms)
>       watch individual files
>         ✓ should detect changes
>         ✓ should detect unlinks (121ms)
>         ✓ should detect unlink and re-add (165ms)
>         ✓ should ignore unwatched siblings (42ms)
>         Skipping gh-682: should detect unlink
>           - should detect unlink while watching a non-existent second file in 
> another directory
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a second file
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a non-existent 
> second file in another directory
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a non-existent 
> second file in the same directory
>           - should detect two unlinks and one re-add
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a second file and 
> a non-existent third file
>       renamed directory
>         ✓ should emit `add` for a file in a renamed directory (1025ms)
>       watch non-existent paths
>         ✓ should watch non-existent file and detect add (42ms)
>         ✓ should watch non-existent dir and detect addDir/add (61ms)
>       watch glob patterns
>         ✓ should correctly watch and emit based on glob input (47ms)
>         ✓ should respect negated glob patterns (124ms)
>         ✓ should traverse subdirs to match globstar patterns (172ms)
>         ✓ should resolve relative paths with glob patterns (45ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle conflicting glob patterns (125ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle intersecting glob patterns (43ms)
>         ✓ should not confuse glob-like filenames with globs (62ms)
>         ✓ should treat glob-like directory names as literal directory names 
> when globbing is disabled (42ms)
>         ✓ should treat glob-like filenames as literal filenames when globbing 
> is disabled (41ms)
>         ✓ should not prematurely filter dirs against complex globstar 
> patterns (68ms)
>         ✓ should emit matching dir events (46ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle glob with braces
>       watch symlinks
>         ✓ should watch symlinked dirs
>         ✓ should watch symlinked files
>         ✓ should follow symlinked files within a normal dir
>         ✓ should watch paths with a symlinked parent
>         ✓ should not recurse indefinitely on circular symlinks
>         ✓ should recognize changes following symlinked dirs
>         ✓ should follow newly created symlinks (45ms)
>         ✓ should watch symlinks as files when followSymlinks:false
>         ✓ should watch symlinks within a watched dir as files when 
> followSymlinks:false (324ms)
>         ✓ should not reuse watcher when following a symlink to elsewhere 
> (64ms)
>         ✓ should properly match glob patterns that include a symlinked dir
>         ✓ should emit ready event even when broken symlinks are encountered
>       watch arrays of paths/globs
>         ✓ should watch all paths in an array
>         ✓ should accommodate nested arrays in input
>         ✓ should throw if provided any non-string paths
>       watch options
>         ignoreInitial
>           false
>             ✓ should emit `add` events for preexisting files
>             ✓ should emit `addDir` event for watched dir
>             ✓ should emit `addDir` events for preexisting dirs
>           true
>             ✓ should ignore initial add events
>             ✓ should ignore add events on a subsequent .add() (1001ms)
>             ✓ should notice when a file appears in an empty directory
>             ✓ should emit a change on a preexisting file as a change
>             ✓ should not emit for preexisting dirs when depth is 0 (424ms)
>         ignored
>           ✓ should check ignore after stating
>           ✓ should not choke on an ignored watch path
>           ✓ should ignore the contents of ignored dirs (323ms)
>           ✓ should allow regex/fn ignores (44ms)
>         depth
>           ✓ should not recurse if depth is 0
>           ✓ should recurse to specified depth (44ms)
>           ✓ should respect depth setting when following symlinks
>           ✓ should respect depth setting when following a new symlink
>           ✓ should correctly handle dir events when depth is 0 (64ms)
>         atomic
>           ✓ should ignore vim/emacs/Sublime swapfiles (908ms)
>           ✓ should ignore stale tilde files
>         cwd
>           ✓ should emit relative paths based on cwd (103ms)
>           ✓ should emit `addDir` with alwaysStat for renamed directory 
> (1004ms)
>           ✓ should allow separate watchers to have different cwds (125ms)
>           ✓ should ignore files even with cwd (47ms)
>         ignorePermissionErrors
>           false
>             ✓ should not watch files without read permissions (204ms)
>           true
>             ✓ should watch unreadable files if possible
>             ✓ should not choke on non-existent files
>         awaitWriteFinish
>           ✓ should use default options if none given
>           ✓ should not emit add event before a file is fully written (203ms)
>           ✓ should wait for the file to be fully written before emitting the 
> add event (524ms)
>           ✓ should emit with the final stats (823ms)
>           ✓ should not emit change event while a file has not been fully 
> written (302ms)
>           ✓ should not emit change event before an existing file is fully 
> updated (303ms)
>           ✓ should wait for an existing file to be fully updated before 
> emitting the change event (603ms)
>           ✓ should emit change event after the file is fully written (1065ms)
>           ✓ should not raise any event for a file that was deleted before 
> fully written (802ms)
>           ✓ should be compatible with the cwd option (1206ms)
>           ✓ should still emit initial add events
>           ✓ should emit an unlink event when a file is updated and deleted 
> just after that (165ms)
>           race condition
>             ✓ should handle unlink that happens while waiting for stat to 
> return (858ms)
>       getWatched
>         ✓ should return the watched paths
>         ✓ should set keys relative to cwd & include added paths
>       unwatch
>         ✓ should stop watching unwatched paths (342ms)
>         ✓ should ignore unwatched paths that are a subset of watched paths 
> (344ms)
>         ✓ should unwatch relative paths (342ms)
>         ✓ should watch paths that were unwatched and added again (82ms)
>         ✓ should unwatch paths that are relative to options.cwd (346ms)
>       close
>         ✓ should ignore further events on close (903ms)
>         ✓ should not prevent the process from exiting (481ms)
>       env variable option override
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `true` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING is 
> set to true
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `true` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING is 
> set to 1
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `false` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to false
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `false` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to 0
>           ✓ should not attenuate options.usePolling when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to an arbitrary value
>     fs.watchFile (polling)
>       watch a directory
>         ✓ should produce an instance of chokidar.FSWatcher
>         ✓ should expose public API methods
>         ✓ should emit `add` event when file was added (41ms)
>         ✓ should emit nine `add` events when nine files were added in one 
> directory (1292ms)
>         - should emit thirtythree `add` events when thirtythree files were 
> added in nine directories
>         ✓ should emit `addDir` event when directory was added
>         ✓ should emit `change` event when file was changed
>         ✓ should emit `unlink` event when file was removed
>         ✓ should emit `unlinkDir` event when a directory was removed (43ms)
>         ✓ should emit two `unlinkDir` event when two nested directories were 
> removed (5023ms)
>         ✓ should emit `unlink` and `add` events when a file is renamed (43ms)
>         ✓ should emit `add`, not `change`, when previously deleted file is 
> re-added (62ms)
>         ✓ should not emit `unlink` for previously moved files (323ms)
>         ✓ should survive ENOENT for missing subdirectories
>         ✓ should notice when a file appears in a new directory
>         ✓ should watch removed and re-added directories (1541ms)
>       watch individual files
>         ✓ should detect changes
>         ✓ should detect unlinks (41ms)
>         ✓ should detect unlink and re-add (85ms)
>         ✓ should ignore unwatched siblings (41ms)
>         Skipping gh-682: should detect unlink
>           - should detect unlink while watching a non-existent second file in 
> another directory
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a second file
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a non-existent 
> second file in another directory
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a non-existent 
> second file in the same directory
>           - should detect two unlinks and one re-add
>           - should detect unlink and re-add while watching a second file and 
> a non-existent third file
>       renamed directory
>         ✓ should emit `add` for a file in a renamed directory (1023ms)
>       watch non-existent paths
>         ✓ should watch non-existent file and detect add (41ms)
>         ✓ should watch non-existent dir and detect addDir/add (61ms)
>       watch glob patterns
>         ✓ should correctly watch and emit based on glob input (43ms)
>         ✓ should respect negated glob patterns (43ms)
>         ✓ should traverse subdirs to match globstar patterns (113ms)
>         ✓ should resolve relative paths with glob patterns (44ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle conflicting glob patterns (43ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle intersecting glob patterns (42ms)
>         ✓ should not confuse glob-like filenames with globs (64ms)
>         ✓ should treat glob-like directory names as literal directory names 
> when globbing is disabled (42ms)
>         ✓ should treat glob-like filenames as literal filenames when globbing 
> is disabled (42ms)
>         ✓ should not prematurely filter dirs against complex globstar 
> patterns (75ms)
>         ✓ should emit matching dir events (43ms)
>         ✓ should correctly handle glob with braces
>       watch symlinks
>         ✓ should watch symlinked dirs
>         ✓ should watch symlinked files
>         ✓ should follow symlinked files within a normal dir
>         ✓ should watch paths with a symlinked parent
>         ✓ should not recurse indefinitely on circular symlinks
>         ✓ should recognize changes following symlinked dirs
>         ✓ should follow newly created symlinks (43ms)
>         ✓ should watch symlinks as files when followSymlinks:false
>         ✓ should watch symlinks within a watched dir as files when 
> followSymlinks:false (1225ms)
>         ✓ should not reuse watcher when following a symlink to elsewhere 
> (944ms)
>         1) should properly match glob patterns that include a symlinked dir
> (node:14135) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: this._removeWatcher 
> is not a function
>     at DirEntry.remove (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/index.js:161:14)
> (node:14135) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
> This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without 
> a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 
> (rejection id: 1)
> (node:14135) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are 
> deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will 
> terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
> (node:14135) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: this._removeWatcher 
> is not a function
>     at DirEntry.remove (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/index.js:161:14)
> (node:14135) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
> This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without 
> a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). 
> (rejection id: 2)
>         ✓ should emit ready event even when broken symlinks are encountered
>       watch arrays of paths/globs
>         ✓ should watch all paths in an array
>         ✓ should accommodate nested arrays in input
>         ✓ should throw if provided any non-string paths
>       watch options
>         ignoreInitial
>           false
>             ✓ should emit `add` events for preexisting files
>             ✓ should emit `addDir` event for watched dir
>             ✓ should emit `addDir` events for preexisting dirs
>           true
>             ✓ should ignore initial add events
>             ✓ should ignore add events on a subsequent .add() (1001ms)
>             ✓ should notice when a file appears in an empty directory
>             ✓ should emit a change on a preexisting file as a change
>             ✓ should not emit for preexisting dirs when depth is 0 (422ms)
>         ignored
>           ✓ should check ignore after stating
>           ✓ should not choke on an ignored watch path
>           ✓ should ignore the contents of ignored dirs (323ms)
>           ✓ should allow regex/fn ignores (45ms)
>         depth
>           ✓ should not recurse if depth is 0
>           ✓ should recurse to specified depth (44ms)
>           ✓ should respect depth setting when following symlinks
>           ✓ should respect depth setting when following a new symlink
>           ✓ should correctly handle dir events when depth is 0 (63ms)
>         atomic
>           ✓ should ignore vim/emacs/Sublime swapfiles (904ms)
>           ✓ should ignore stale tilde files
>         cwd
>           ✓ should emit relative paths based on cwd
>           ✓ should emit `addDir` with alwaysStat for renamed directory 
> (1028ms)
>           ✓ should allow separate watchers to have different cwds (44ms)
>           ✓ should ignore files even with cwd (45ms)
>         ignorePermissionErrors
>           false
>             ✓ should not watch files without read permissions (202ms)
>           true
>             ✓ should watch unreadable files if possible
>             ✓ should not choke on non-existent files
>         awaitWriteFinish
>           ✓ should use default options if none given
>           ✓ should not emit add event before a file is fully written (202ms)
>           ✓ should wait for the file to be fully written before emitting the 
> add event (522ms)
>           ✓ should emit with the final stats (823ms)
>           ✓ should not emit change event while a file has not been fully 
> written (303ms)
>           ✓ should not emit change event before an existing file is fully 
> updated (302ms)
>           ✓ should wait for an existing file to be fully updated before 
> emitting the change event (524ms)
>           ✓ should emit change event after the file is fully written (1069ms)
>           ✓ should not raise any event for a file that was deleted before 
> fully written (800ms)
>           ✓ should be compatible with the cwd option (1123ms)
>           ✓ should still emit initial add events
>           ✓ should emit an unlink event when a file is updated and deleted 
> just after that (82ms)
>           race condition
>             ✓ should handle unlink that happens while waiting for stat to 
> return (786ms)
>       getWatched
>         ✓ should return the watched paths
>         ✓ should set keys relative to cwd & include added paths
>       unwatch
>         ✓ should stop watching unwatched paths (343ms)
>         ✓ should ignore unwatched paths that are a subset of watched paths 
> (344ms)
>         ✓ should unwatch relative paths (342ms)
>         ✓ should watch paths that were unwatched and added again (82ms)
>         ✓ should unwatch paths that are relative to options.cwd (343ms)
>       close
>         ✓ should ignore further events on close (901ms)
>         ✓ should not prevent the process from exiting (479ms)
>       env variable option override
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `true` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING is 
> set to true
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `true` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING is 
> set to 1
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `false` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to false
>           ✓ should make options.usePolling `false` when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to 0
>           ✓ should not attenuate options.usePolling when CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING 
> is set to an arbitrary value
>   204 passing (59s)
>   14 pending
>   1 failing
>   1) chokidar
>        fs.watchFile (polling)
>          watch symlinks
>            should properly match glob patterns that include a symlinked dir:
>      AssertionError: expected addSpy to have been called with arguments 
> test-fixtures/148-link/add.txt
> Call 1:
> test-fixtures/148-link/change.txt test-fixtures/148-link/add.txt 
> [Stats] {
>   atime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   atimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   birthtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   birthtimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   blksize: 4096,
>   blocks: 8,
>   ctime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   ctimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   dev: 66308,
>   gid: 1001,
>   ino: 3801624,
>   mode: 33188,
>   mtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   mtimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   nlink: 1,
>   rdev: 0,
>   size: 1,
>   uid: 1001
> }
> Call 2:
> test-fixtures/148-link/unlink.txt test-fixtures/148-link/add.txt 
> [Stats] {
>   atime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   atimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   birthtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   birthtimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   blksize: 4096,
>   blocks: 8,
>   ctime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   ctimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   dev: 66308,
>   gid: 1001,
>   ino: 3801625,
>   mode: 33188,
>   mtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:47:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   mtimeMs: 1582426051980.6326,
>   nlink: 1,
>   rdev: 0,
>   size: 1,
>   uid: 1001
> }
> Call 3:
> test-fixtures/148-link/subdir/add.txt test-fixtures/148-link/add.txt 
> [Stats] {
>   atime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:48:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   atimeMs: 1582426091676.9443,
>   birthtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:48:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   birthtimeMs: 1582426091676.9443,
>   blksize: 4096,
>   blocks: 8,
>   ctime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:48:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   ctimeMs: 1582426091676.9443,
>   dev: 66308,
>   gid: 1001,
>   ino: 3802399,
>   mode: 33188,
>   mtime: Sun Feb 23 2020 02:48:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),
>   mtimeMs: 1582426091676.9443,
>   nlink: 1,
>   rdev: 0,
>   size: 1,
>   uid: 1001
> }
>       at (test.js:1163:31)
> dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -e debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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