Source: uglifyjs
Version: 2.8.29-6
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS on amd64
Tags: bullseye sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20200222 ftbfs-bullseye


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
> NODE_PATH=lib nodejs test/run-tests.js \
> *** Entering [compress]
> --- angular-inject.js
>     Running test [ng_inject_defun]
>     Running test [ng_inject_assignment]
>     Running test [ng_inject_inline]
> --- arrays.js
>     Running test [holes_and_undefined]
>     Running test [constant_join]
>     Running test [constant_join_2]
>     Running test [constant_join_3]
>     Running test [for_loop]
> --- ascii.js
>     Running test [ascii_only_true]
>     Running test [ascii_only_false]
> --- asm.js
>     Running test [asm_mixed]
> --- assignment.js
>     Running test [op_equals_left_local_var]
>     Running test [op_equals_right_local_var]
>     Running test [op_equals_left_global_var]
>     Running test [op_equals_right_global_var]
> --- blocks.js
>     Running test [remove_blocks]
>     Running test [keep_some_blocks]
> --- collapse_vars.js
>     Running test [collapse_vars_side_effects_1]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_side_effects_2]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_issue_721]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_properties]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_if]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_while]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_do_while]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_do_while_drop_assign]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_seq]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_throw]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_switch]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_assignment]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_lvalues]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_lvalues_drop_assign]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_misc1]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_self_reference]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_repeated]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_closures]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_unary]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_try]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_array]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_object]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_eval_and_with]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_constants]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_arguments]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_short_circuit]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_short_circuited_conditions]
>     Running test [collapse_vars_regexp]
>     Running test [issue_1537]
>     Running test [issue_1562]
>     Running test [issue_1605_1]
>     Running test [issue_1605_2]
>     Running test [issue_1631_1]
>     Running test [issue_1631_2]
>     Running test [issue_1631_3]
>     Running test [var_side_effects_1]
>     Running test [var_side_effects_2]
>     Running test [var_side_effects_3]
>     Running test [reassign_const_1]
>     Running test [reassign_const_2]
> --- comparing.js
>     Running test [keep_comparisons]
>     Running test [keep_comparisons_with_unsafe_comps]
>     Running test [dont_change_in_or_instanceof_expressions]
> --- concat-strings.js
>     Running test [concat_1]
>     Running test [concat_2]
>     Running test [concat_3]
>     Running test [concat_4]
>     Running test [concat_5]
>     Running test [concat_6]
>     Running test [concat_7]
>     Running test [concat_8]
> --- conditionals.js
>     Running test [ifs_1]
>     Running test [ifs_2]
>     Running test [ifs_3_should_warn]
>     Running test [ifs_4]
>     Running test [ifs_5]
>     Running test [ifs_6]
>     Running test [cond_1]
>     Running test [cond_2]
>     Running test [cond_3]
>     Running test [cond_4]
>     Running test [cond_5]
>     Running test [cond_7]
>     Running test [cond_7_1]
>     Running test [cond_8]
>     Running test [cond_8b]
>     Running test [cond_8c]
>     Running test [ternary_boolean_consequent]
>     Running test [ternary_boolean_alternative]
>     Running test [trivial_boolean_ternary_expressions]
>     Running test [issue_1154]
>     Running test [no_evaluate]
>     Running test [equality_conditionals_false]
>     Running test [equality_conditionals_true]
>     Running test [issue_1645_1]
>     Running test [issue_1645_2]
>     Running test [condition_symbol_matches_consequent]
>     Running test [delete_conditional_1]
>     Running test [delete_conditional_2]
> --- const.js
>     Running test [issue_1191]
>     Running test [issue_1194]
>     Running test [issue_1396]
>     Running test [unused_regexp_literal]
>     Running test [regexp_literal_not_const]
> --- dead-code.js
>     Running test [dead_code_1]
>     Running test [dead_code_2_should_warn]
>     Running test [dead_code_constant_boolean_should_warn_more]
>     Running test [dead_code_const_declaration]
>     Running test [dead_code_const_annotation]
>     Running test [dead_code_const_annotation_regex]
>     Running test [dead_code_const_annotation_complex_scope]
>     Running test [try_catch_finally]
>     Running test [accessor]
> --- debugger.js
>     Running test [keep_debugger]
>     Running test [drop_debugger]
> --- drop-console.js
>     Running test [drop_console_1]
>     Running test [drop_console_2]
> --- drop-unused.js
>     Running test [unused_funarg_1]
>     Running test [unused_funarg_2]
>     Running test [unused_nested_function]
>     Running test [unused_circular_references_1]
>     Running test [unused_circular_references_2]
>     Running test [unused_circular_references_3]
>     Running test [unused_keep_setter_arg]
>     Running test [unused_var_in_catch]
>     Running test [used_var_in_catch]
>     Running test [keep_fnames]
>     Running test [drop_assign]
>     Running test [keep_assign]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_funcs]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_vars]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_vars_fargs]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_all]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_retain]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_retain_array]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_retain_regex]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_all_retain]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_funcs_retain]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_vars_retain]
>     Running test [drop_toplevel_keep_assign]
>     Running test [drop_fargs]
>     Running test [drop_fnames]
>     Running test [global_var]
>     Running test [iife]
>     Running test [drop_value]
>     Running test [const_assign]
>     Running test [issue_1539]
>     Running test [vardef_value]
>     Running test [assign_binding]
>     Running test [assign_chain]
>     Running test [issue_1583]
>     Running test [issue_1656]
>     Running test [issue_1709]
>     Running test [issue_1715_1]
>     Running test [issue_1715_2]
>     Running test [issue_1715_3]
>     Running test [issue_1715_4]
>     Running test [delete_assign_1]
>     Running test [delete_assign_2]
>     Running test [issue_1830_1]
>     Running test [issue_1830_2]
>     Running test [reassign_const]
> --- evaluate.js
>     Running test [and]
>     Running test [or]
>     Running test [unary_prefix]
>     Running test [negative_zero]
>     Running test [positive_zero]
>     Running test [unsafe_constant]
>     Running test [unsafe_object]
>     Running test [unsafe_object_nested]
>     Running test [unsafe_object_complex]
>     Running test [unsafe_object_repeated]
>     Running test [unsafe_object_accessor]
>     Running test [unsafe_function]
>     Running test [unsafe_integer_key]
>     Running test [unsafe_integer_key_complex]
>     Running test [unsafe_float_key]
>     Running test [unsafe_float_key_complex]
>     Running test [unsafe_array]
>     Running test [unsafe_string]
>     Running test [unsafe_array_bad_index]
>     Running test [unsafe_string_bad_index]
>     Running test [unsafe_prototype_function]
>     Running test [call_args]
>     Running test [call_args_drop_param]
>     Running test [in_boolean_context]
>     Running test [unsafe_charAt]
>     Running test [unsafe_charAt_bad_index]
>     Running test [unsafe_charAt_noop]
>     Running test [issue_1649]
>     Running test [issue_1760_1]
>     Running test [issue_1760_2]
>     Running test [delete_expr_1]
>     Running test [delete_expr_2]
>     Running test [delete_binary_1]
>     Running test [delete_binary_2]
>     Running test [Infinity_NaN_undefined_LHS]
>     Running test [issue_1964_1]
>     Running test [issue_1964_2]
> --- functions.js
>     Running test [non_ascii_function_identifier_name]
>     Running test [iifes_returning_constants_keep_fargs_true]
>     Running test [iifes_returning_constants_keep_fargs_false]
>     Running test [issue_485_crashing_1530]
>     Running test [issue_1841_1]
>     Running test [issue_1841_2]
> --- global_defs.js
>     Running test [must_replace]
>     Running test [keyword]
>     Running test [object]
>     Running test [expanded]
>     Running test [mixed]
>     Running test [issue_1801]
> --- hoist_vars.js
>     Running test [statements]
>     Running test [statements_funs]
>     Running test [sequences]
>     Running test [sequences_funs]
> --- html_comments.js
>     Running test [html_comment_in_expression]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_less_than]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_left_shift]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_right_shift]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_zero_fill_right_shift]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_greater_than]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_greater_than_or_equal]
>     Running test [html_comment_in_string_literal]
> --- if_return.js
>     Running test [if_return_1]
>     Running test [if_return_2]
>     Running test [if_return_3]
>     Running test [if_return_4]
>     Running test [if_return_5]
>     Running test [if_return_6]
>     Running test [if_return_7]
>     Running test [if_return_8]
>     Running test [issue_1089]
>     Running test [issue_1437]
>     Running test [issue_1437_conditionals]
> --- issue-1034.js
>     Running test [non_hoisted_function_after_return]
>     Running test [non_hoisted_function_after_return_2a]
>     Running test [non_hoisted_function_after_return_2b]
> --- issue-1041.js
>     Running test [const_declaration]
>     Running test [const_pragma]
>     Running test [not_const]
> --- issue-1052.js
>     Running test [multiple_functions]
>     Running test [single_function]
>     Running test [deeply_nested]
>     Running test [not_hoisted_when_already_nested]
> --- issue-1105.js
>     Running test [with_in_global_scope]
>     Running test [with_in_function_scope]
>     Running test [compress_with_with_in_other_scope]
>     Running test [with_using_existing_variable_outside_scope]
>     Running test [check_drop_unused_in_peer_function]
>     Running test [Infinity_not_in_with_scope]
>     Running test [Infinity_in_with_scope]
>     Running test [assorted_Infinity_NaN_undefined_in_with_scope]
>     Running test [assorted_Infinity_NaN_undefined_in_with_scope_keep_infinity]
> --- issue-12.js
>     Running test [keep_name_of_getter]
>     Running test [keep_name_of_setter]
>     Running test [setter_with_operator_keys]
> --- issue-1202.js
>     Running test [mangle_keep_fnames_false]
>     Running test [mangle_keep_fnames_true]
> --- issue-126.js
>     Running test [concatenate_rhs_strings]
> --- issue-1261.js
>     Running test [pure_function_calls]
>     Running test [pure_function_calls_toplevel]
>     Running test [should_warn]
> --- issue-1275.js
>     Running test [string_plus_optimization]
> --- issue-1321.js
>     Running test [issue_1321_no_debug]
>     Running test [issue_1321_debug]
>     Running test [issue_1321_with_quoted]
> --- issue-143.js
>     Running test [tranformation_sort_order_equal]
>     Running test [tranformation_sort_order_unequal]
>     Running test [tranformation_sort_order_lesser_or_equal]
>     Running test [tranformation_sort_order_greater_or_equal]
> --- issue-1431.js
>     Running test [level_zero]
>     Running test [level_one]
>     Running test [level_two]
>     Running test [level_three]
> --- issue-1443.js
>     Running test [unsafe_undefined]
>     Running test [keep_fnames]
> --- issue-1446.js
>     Running test [typeof_eq_undefined]
>     Running test [typeof_eq_undefined_ie8]
>     Running test [undefined_redefined]
>     Running test [undefined_redefined_mangle]
> --- issue-1447.js
>     Running test [else_with_empty_block]
>     Running test [else_with_empty_statement]
>     Running test [conditional_false_stray_else_in_loop]
> --- issue-1569.js
>     Running test [inner_reference]
> --- issue-1588.js
>     Running test [screw_ie8]
>     Running test [support_ie8]
>     Running test [safe_undefined]
>     Running test [unsafe_undefined]
>     Running test [runtime_error]
> --- issue-1609.js
>     Running test [chained_evaluation_1]
>     Running test [chained_evaluation_2]
> --- issue-1639.js
>     Running test [issue_1639_1]
>     Running test [issue_1639_2]
>     Running test [issue_1639_3]
> --- issue-1656.js
>     Running test [f7]
> --- issue-1673.js
>     Running test [side_effects_catch]
>     Running test [side_effects_else]
>     Running test [side_effects_finally]
>     Running test [side_effects_label]
>     Running test [side_effects_switch]
> --- issue-1704.js
>     Running test [mangle_catch]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_ie8]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_var]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_var_ie8]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_ie8_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_var_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_var_ie8_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_1]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_1_ie8]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_1_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_1_ie8_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_2]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_2_ie8]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_2_toplevel]
>     Running test [mangle_catch_redef_2_ie8_toplevel]
> --- issue-1733.js
>     Running test [function_iife_catch]
>     Running test [function_iife_catch_ie8]
>     Running test [function_catch_catch]
>     Running test [function_catch_catch_ie8]
> --- issue-1750.js
>     Running test [case_1]
>     Running test [case_2]
> --- issue-1770.js
>     Running test [mangle_props]
>     Running test [numeric_literal]
>     Running test [identifier]
> --- issue-1787.js
>     Running test [unary_prefix]
> --- issue-1833.js
>     Running test [iife_for]
>     Running test [iife_for_in]
>     Running test [iife_do]
>     Running test [iife_while]
>     Running test [label_do]
>     Running test [label_while]
> --- issue-1943.js
>     Running test [operator]
>     Running test [name]
>     Running test [keyword]
>     Running test [atom]
> --- issue-208.js
>     Running test [do_not_update_lhs]
>     Running test [do_update_rhs]
>     Running test [mixed]
> --- issue-22.js
>     Running test [return_with_no_value_in_if_body]
> --- issue-267.js
>     Running test [issue_267]
> --- issue-269.js
>     Running test [issue_269_1]
>     Running test [issue_269_dangers]
>     Running test [issue_269_in_scope]
>     Running test [strings_concat]
> --- issue-368.js
>     Running test [collapse]
> --- issue-44.js
>     Running test [issue_44_valid_ast_1]
>     Running test [issue_44_valid_ast_2]
> --- issue-59.js
>     Running test [keep_continue]
> --- issue-597.js
>     Running test [NaN_and_Infinity_must_have_parens]
>     Running test 
> [NaN_and_Infinity_should_not_be_replaced_when_they_are_redefined]
>     Running test [NaN_and_Infinity_must_have_parens_evaluate]
>     Running test 
> [NaN_and_Infinity_should_not_be_replaced_when_they_are_redefined_evaluate]
>     Running test [beautify_off_1]
>     Running test [beautify_off_2]
>     Running test [beautify_on_1]
>     Running test [beautify_on_2]
>     Running test [issue_1724]
>     Running test [issue_1725]
> --- issue-611.js
>     Running test [issue_611]
> --- issue-637.js
>     Running test [wrongly_optimized]
> --- issue-640.js
>     Running test [cond_5]
>     Running test [dead_code_const_annotation_regex]
>     Running test [drop_console_2]
>     Running test [drop_value]
>     Running test [wrongly_optimized]
>     Running test [negate_iife_1]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_4]
>     Running test [negate_iife_5]
>     Running test [negate_iife_5_off]
>     Running test [issue_1254_negate_iife_true]
>     Running test [issue_1254_negate_iife_nested]
>     Running test [conditional]
>     Running test [limit_1]
>     Running test [iife]
> --- issue-747.js
>     Running test [dont_reuse_prop]
>     Running test [unmangleable_props_should_always_be_reserved]
> --- issue-751.js
>     Running test [negate_booleans_1]
>     Running test [negate_booleans_2]
> --- issue-782.js
>     Running test [remove_redundant_sequence_items]
>     Running test [dont_remove_this_binding_sequence]
> --- issue-892.js
>     Running test [dont_mangle_arguments]
> --- issue-913.js
>     Running test [keep_var_for_in]
> --- issue-973.js
>     Running test [this_binding_conditionals]
>     Running test [this_binding_collapse_vars]
>     Running test [this_binding_side_effects]
> --- issue-976.js
>     Running test [eval_collapse_vars]
>     Running test [eval_unused]
>     Running test [eval_mangle]
> --- issue-979.js
>     Running test [issue979_reported]
>     Running test [issue979_test_negated_is_best]
> --- labels.js
>     Running test [labels_1]
>     Running test [labels_2]
>     Running test [labels_3]
>     Running test [labels_4]
>     Running test [labels_5]
>     Running test [labels_6]
>     Running test [labels_7]
>     Running test [labels_8]
>     Running test [labels_9]
>     Running test [labels_10]
> --- loops.js
>     Running test [while_becomes_for]
>     Running test [drop_if_break_1]
>     Running test [drop_if_break_2]
>     Running test [drop_if_break_3]
>     Running test [drop_if_break_4]
>     Running test [drop_if_else_break_1]
>     Running test [drop_if_else_break_2]
>     Running test [drop_if_else_break_3]
>     Running test [drop_if_else_break_4]
>     Running test [parse_do_while_with_semicolon]
>     Running test [parse_do_while_without_semicolon]
>     Running test [keep_collapse_const_in_own_block_scope]
>     Running test [keep_collapse_const_in_own_block_scope_2]
>     Running test [evaluate]
>     Running test [issue_1532]
>     Running test [issue_186]
>     Running test [issue_186_ie8]
>     Running test [issue_186_beautify]
>     Running test [issue_186_beautify_ie8]
>     Running test [issue_186_bracketize]
>     Running test [issue_186_bracketize_ie8]
>     Running test [issue_186_beautify_bracketize]
>     Running test [issue_186_beautify_bracketize_ie8]
>     Running test [issue_1648]
>     Running test [do_switch]
> --- max_line_len.js
>     Running test [too_short]
> WARN: Output exceeds 10 characters
>     Running test [just_enough]
> --- negate-iife.js
>     Running test [negate_iife_1]
>     Running test [negate_iife_1_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_2]
>     Running test [negate_iife_2_side_effects]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3_evaluate]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3_side_effects]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_3_off_evaluate]
>     Running test [negate_iife_4]
>     Running test [sequence_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_5]
>     Running test [negate_iife_5_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_nested]
>     Running test [negate_iife_nested_off]
>     Running test [negate_iife_issue_1073]
>     Running test [issue_1254_negate_iife_false]
>     Running test [issue_1254_negate_iife_true]
>     Running test [issue_1254_negate_iife_nested]
>     Running test [issue_1288]
>     Running test [issue_1288_side_effects]
> --- new.js
>     Running test [new_statement]
>     Running test [new_statements_2]
>     Running test [new_statements_3]
>     Running test [new_with_rewritten_true_value]
>     Running test [new_with_many_parameters]
>     Running test [new_constructor_with_unary_arguments]
>     Running test [call_with_unary_arguments]
>     Running test [new_with_unary_prefix]
> --- numbers.js
>     Running test [hex_numbers_in_parentheses_for_prototype_functions]
>     Running test [comparisons]
>     Running test [evaluate_1]
>     Running test [evaluate_2]
>     Running test [evaluate_3]
>     Running test [evaluate_4]
>     Running test [issue_1710]
>     Running test [unary_binary_parenthesis]
> --- properties.js
>     Running test [keep_properties]
>     Running test [dot_properties]
>     Running test [dot_properties_es5]
>     Running test [sub_properties]
>     Running test [evaluate_array_length]
>     Running test [evaluate_string_length]
>     Running test [mangle_properties]
>     Running test [mangle_unquoted_properties]
>     Running test [mangle_debug]
>     Running test [mangle_debug_true]
>     Running test [mangle_debug_suffix]
>     Running test [mangle_debug_suffix_ignore_quoted]
>     Running test [first_256_chars_as_properties]
>     Running test [first_256_unicode_chars_as_properties]
>     Running test [first_256_hex_chars_as_properties]
>     Running test [native_prototype]
>     Running test [accessor_boolean]
>     Running test [accessor_get_set]
>     Running test [accessor_null_undefined]
>     Running test [accessor_number]
>     Running test [accessor_string]
>     Running test [accessor_this]
> --- pure_funcs.js
>     Running test [array]
>     Running test [func]
>     Running test [side_effects]
>     Running test [unused]
>     Running test [babel]
>     Running test [conditional]
>     Running test [relational]
>     Running test [arithmetic]
>     Running test [boolean_and]
>     Running test [boolean_or]
>     Running test [assign]
>     Running test [unary]
> --- pure_getters.js
>     Running test [strict]
>     Running test [strict_reduce_vars]
>     Running test [unsafe]
>     Running test [unsafe_reduce_vars]
>     Running test [chained]
>     Running test [impure_getter_1]
>     Running test [impure_getter_2]
> --- reduce_vars.js
>     Running test [reduce_vars]
>     Running test [modified]
>     Running test [unsafe_evaluate]
>     Running test [unsafe_evaluate_object]
>     Running test [unsafe_evaluate_array]
>     Running test [unsafe_evaluate_equality_1]
>     Running test [unsafe_evaluate_equality_2]
>     Running test [passes]
>     Running test [iife]
>     Running test [iife_new]
>     Running test [multi_def_1]
>     Running test [multi_def_2]
>     Running test [multi_def_3]
>     Running test [use_before_var]
>     Running test [inner_var_if]
>     Running test [inner_var_label]
>     Running test [inner_var_for]
>     Running test [inner_var_for_in_1]
>     Running test [inner_var_for_in_2]
>     Running test [inner_var_catch]
>     Running test [issue_1533_1]
>     Running test [issue_1533_2]
>     Running test [toplevel_on]
>     Running test [toplevel_off]
>     Running test [toplevel_on_loops_1]
>     Running test [toplevel_off_loops_1]
>     Running test [toplevel_on_loops_2]
>     Running test [toplevel_off_loops_2]
>     Running test [toplevel_on_loops_3]
>     Running test [toplevel_off_loops_3]
>     Running test [defun_reference]
>     Running test [defun_inline_1]
>     Running test [defun_inline_2]
>     Running test [defun_inline_3]
>     Running test [defun_call]
>     Running test [defun_redefine]
>     Running test [func_inline]
>     Running test [func_modified]
>     Running test [defun_label]
>     Running test [double_reference]
>     Running test [iife_arguments_1]
>     Running test [iife_arguments_2]
>     Running test [iife_eval_1]
>     Running test [iife_eval_2]
>     Running test [iife_func_side_effects]
>     Running test [issue_1595_1]
>     Running test [issue_1595_2]
>     Running test [issue_1595_3]
>     Running test [issue_1595_4]
>     Running test [issue_1606]
>     Running test [issue_1670_1]
>     Running test [issue_1670_2]
>     Running test [issue_1670_3]
>     Running test [issue_1670_4]
>     Running test [issue_1670_5]
>     Running test [issue_1670_6]
>     Running test [unary_delete]
>     Running test [redefine_arguments_1]
>     Running test [redefine_arguments_2]
>     Running test [redefine_arguments_3]
>     Running test [redefine_farg_1]
>     Running test [redefine_farg_2]
>     Running test [redefine_farg_3]
>     Running test [delay_def]
>     Running test [booleans]
>     Running test [side_effects_assign]
>     Running test [pure_getters_1]
>     Running test [pure_getters_2]
>     Running test [pure_getters_3]
>     Running test [catch_var]
>     Running test [issue_1814_1]
>     Running test [issue_1814_2]
>     Running test [try_abort]
>     Running test [issue_1865]
>     Running test [issue_1922_1]
>     Running test [issue_1922_2]
>     Running test [accessor]
> --- return_undefined.js
>     Running test [return_undefined]
> --- screw-ie8.js
>     Running test [do_screw]
>     Running test [dont_screw]
>     Running test [do_screw_constants]
>     Running test [dont_screw_constants]
>     Running test [do_screw_try_catch]
>     Running test [dont_screw_try_catch]
>     Running test [do_screw_try_catch_undefined]
>     Running test [dont_screw_try_catch_undefined]
>     Running test [reduce_vars]
>     Running test [issue_1586_1]
>     Running test [issue_1586_2]
> --- sequences.js
>     Running test [make_sequences_1]
>     Running test [make_sequences_2]
>     Running test [make_sequences_3]
>     Running test [make_sequences_4]
>     Running test [lift_sequences_1]
>     Running test [lift_sequences_2]
>     Running test [lift_sequences_3]
>     Running test [lift_sequences_4]
>     Running test [lift_sequences_5]
>     Running test [for_sequences]
>     Running test [limit_1]
>     Running test [limit_2]
>     Running test [negate_iife_for]
>     Running test [iife]
>     Running test [unsafe_undefined]
>     Running test [issue_1685]
>     Running test [func_def_1]
>     Running test [func_def_2]
>     Running test [func_def_3]
>     Running test [func_def_4]
>     Running test [func_def_5]
>     Running test [issue_1758]
>     Running test [delete_seq_1]
>     Running test [delete_seq_2]
>     Running test [delete_seq_3]
>     Running test [delete_seq_4]
>     Running test [delete_seq_5]
>     Running test [delete_seq_6]
>     Running test [reassign_const]
> --- string-literal.js
>     Running test [octal_escape_sequence]
> --- switch.js
>     Running test [constant_switch_1]
>     Running test [constant_switch_2]
>     Running test [constant_switch_3]
>     Running test [constant_switch_4]
>     Running test [constant_switch_5]
>     Running test [constant_switch_6]
>     Running test [constant_switch_7]
>     Running test [constant_switch_8]
>     Running test [constant_switch_9]
>     Running test [drop_default_1]
>     Running test [drop_default_2]
>     Running test [keep_default]
>     Running test [issue_1663]
>     Running test [drop_case]
>     Running test [keep_case]
>     Running test [issue_376]
>     Running test [issue_441_1]
>     Running test [issue_441_2]
>     Running test [issue_1674]
>     Running test [issue_1679]
>     Running test [issue_1680_1]
>     Running test [issue_1680_2]
>     Running test [issue_1690_1]
>     Running test [issue_1690_2]
>     Running test [if_switch_typeof]
>     Running test [issue_1698]
>     Running test [issue_1705_1]
>     Running test [issue_1705_2]
>     Running test [issue_1705_3]
>     Running test [beautify]
>     Running test [issue_1758]
> --- transform.js
>     Running test [booleans_evaluate]
>     Running test [booleans_global_defs]
>     Running test [condition_evaluate]
>     Running test [if_else_empty]
>     Running test [label_if_break]
>     Running test [while_if_break]
>     Running test [if_return]
> --- typeof.js
>     Running test [typeof_evaluation]
>     Running test [typeof_in_boolean_context]
>     Running test [issue_1668]
> --- unicode.js
>     Running test [unicode_parse_variables]
> --- wrap_iife.js
>     Running test [wrap_iife]
>     Running test [wrap_iife_in_expression]
>     Running test [wrap_iife_in_return_call]
> --- Sourcemaps tests
>   Accessor tokens
>     ✓ Should fill the token information for accessors (issue #1492)
>   arguments
>     ✓ Should known that arguments in functions are local scoped
>     ✓ Should recognize when a function uses arguments
>   bin/uglifyjs
>     ✓ should produce a functional build when using --self (1936ms)
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments correctly with `--comment all` (524ms)
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments correctly with `--comment <RegExp>` 
> (521ms)
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments correctly with just `--comment` 
> (522ms)
>     ✓ Should append source map to output when using --source-map-inline 
> (527ms)
>     ✓ should not append source map to output when not using 
> --source-map-inline (527ms)
>     ✓ Should work with --keep-fnames (mangle only) (532ms)
>     ✓ Should work with --keep-fnames (mangle & compress) (538ms)
>     ✓ Should work with keep_fnames under mangler options (530ms)
>     ✓ Should work with --define (simple) (537ms)
>     ✓ Should work with --define (nested) (531ms)
>     ✓ Should work with --define (AST_Node) (532ms)
>     ✓ Should work with `--beautify` (531ms)
>     ✓ Should work with `--beautify bracketize` (525ms)
>     ✓ Should process inline source map (551ms)
>     ✓ Should warn for missing inline source map (531ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with multiple input and inline source map (513ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with acorn and inline source map (528ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with SpiderMonkey and inline source map (511ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with invalid syntax (520ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with correct marking of tabs (526ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with correct marking at start of line (522ms)
>     ✓ Should fail with a missing loop body (527ms)
>     ✓ Should support hyphen as shorthand (534ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (5--) (524ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (Math.random() /= 2) (524ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (++this) (521ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (++null) (531ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (a.=) (520ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (%.a) (526ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (a./();) (519ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error ({%: 1}) (523ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (else) (518ms)
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error (return) (517ms)
>   comment filters
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments by passing regexp
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments with the 'all' option
>     ✓ Should be able to filter commments with the 'some' option
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments by passing a function
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments by passing regex in string format
>     ✓ Should be able to get the comment and comment type when using a function
>     ✓ Should be able to filter comments by passing a boolean
>     ✓ Should never be able to filter comment5 (shebangs)
>     ✓ Should never be able to filter comment5 when using 'some' as filter
>     ✓ Should have no problem on multiple calls
>     ✓ Should handle shebang and preamble correctly
>     ✓ Should handle preamble without shebang correctly
>   Comment
>     ✓ Should recognize eol of single line comments
>     ✓ Should update the position of a multiline comment correctly
>   comment before constant
>     ✓ Should test comment before constant is retained and output after mangle.
>     ✓ Should test code works when comments disabled.
>   Directives
>     ✓ Should allow tokenizer to store directives state
>     ✓ Should know which strings are directive and which ones are not
>     ✓ Should test EXPECT_DIRECTIVE RegExp
>     ✓ Should only print 2 semicolons spread over 2 lines in beautify mode
>     ✓ Should not add double semicolons in non-scoped block statements to 
> avoid strings becoming directives
>     ✓ Should add double semicolon when relying on automatic semicolon 
> insertion
>     ✓ Should check quote style of directives
>     ✓ Should be able to compress without side effects
>   Getters and setters
>     ✓ Should not accept operator symbols as getter/setter name
>   minify() with input file globs
>     ✓ minify() with one input file glob string.
>     ✓ minify() with an array of one input file glob.
>     ✓ minify() with an array of multiple input file globs.
>     ✓ should throw with non-matching glob string
>     ✓ "?" in glob string should not match "/"
>     ✓ should handle special characters in glob string
>     ✓ should handle array of glob strings - matching and otherwise
>   Huge number of comments.
>     ✓ Should parse and compress code with thousands of consecutive comments 
> (47ms)
>   input sourcemaps
>     ✓ Should copy over original sourcesContent
>     ✓ Should copy sourcesContent if sources are relative
>     ✓ Final sourcemap should not have invalid mappings from inputSourceMap 
> (issue #882)
>   let
>     ✓ Should not produce `let` as a variable name in mangle (764ms)
>   line-endings
>     ✓ Should parse LF line endings
>     ✓ Should parse CR/LF line endings
>     ✓ Should parse CR line endings
>     ✓ Should not allow line terminators in regexp
>   Input file as map
>     ✓ Should accept object
>     ✓ Should accept array of objects and strings
>     ✓ Should correctly include source
>   minify
>     ✓ Should test basic sanity of minify with default options
>     keep_quoted_props
>       ✓ Should preserve quotes in object literals
>       ✓ Should preserve quote styles when quote_style is 3
>       ✓ Should not preserve quotes in object literals when disabled
>     mangleProperties
>       ✓ Shouldn't mangle quoted properties
>     inSourceMap
>       ✓ Should read the given string filename correctly when 
> sourceMapIncludeSources is enabled (#1236)
>       ✓ Should process inline source map
>       ✓ Should warn for missing inline source map
>       ✓ Should fail with multiple input and inline source map
>       ✓ Should fail with SpiderMonkey and inline source map
>     sourceMapInline
>       ✓ should append source map to output js when sourceMapInline is enabled
>       ✓ should not append source map to output js when sourceMapInline is not 
> enabled
>     #__PURE__
>       ✓ should drop #__PURE__ hint after use
>       ✓ should not drop #__PURE__ hint if function is retained
>     JS_Parse_Error
>       ✓ should throw syntax error
>     Compressor
>       ✓ should be backward compatible with ast.transform(compressor)
>   New
>     ✓ Should add trailing parentheses for new expressions with zero arguments 
> in beautify mode
>     ✓ Should not add trailing parentheses for new expressions with zero 
> arguments in non-beautify mode
>   Number literals
>     ✓ Should not allow legacy octal literals in strict mode
>   operator
>     ✓ Should handle mixing of ++/+/--/- correctly (127ms)
>     ✓ Should remove extraneous spaces
>   screw-ie8
>     ✓ Should be able to minify() with undefined as catch parameter in a 
> try...catch statement
>   spidermonkey export/import sanity test
>     1) should produce a functional build when using --self with spidermonkey
>     ✓ Should judge between directives and strings correctly on import
>   String literals
>     ✓ Should throw syntax error if a string literal contains a newline
>     ✓ Should not throw syntax error if a string has a line continuation
>     ✓ Should throw error in strict mode if string contains escaped 
> octalIntegerLiteral
>     ✓ Should not throw error outside strict mode if string contains escaped 
> octalIntegerLiteral
>     ✓ Should not throw error when digit is 8 or 9
>   With
>     ✓ Should throw syntaxError when using with statement in strict mode
>     ✓ Should set uses_with for scopes involving With statements
>   111 passing (22s)
>   1 failing
>   1) spidermonkey export/import sanity test
>        should produce a functional build when using --self with spidermonkey:
>      Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure 
> "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. 
> (/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/mocha/spidermonkey.js)
>       at Test.Runnable._timeoutError 
> (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runnable.js:463:10)
>       at Timeout.<anonymous> (/usr/share/nodejs/mocha/lib/runnable.js:267:24)
> make[1]: *** [debian/rules:26: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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