Just to keep it on the bug log as well.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Pranav Ballaney <ballaneypra...@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Feb 23, 2020 at 3:07 PM
Subject: Request for sponsoring changes in idba
To: <debian-...@lists.debian.org>

I have added autopkgtests for idba <https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/idba>.
(Closes #909716 <https://bugs.debian.org/909716>)

I need a few suggestions on how these tests can be improved.

   1. The test data can be generated using the sim_reads command that comes
   with the package, but for some reason, it isn't installed when the package
   is built. I am being able to use it if I build the package from source on
   my machine, but within the testing chroot, autopkgtest reports that this
   command is not found. If this command can be used while testing, the
   downloads required for testing will be reduced from the current 25MB to a
   mere 1.5MB, because the rest of the data can be generated as required. For
   now, I have generated and added all the files manually, and included the
   code used to generate this data in a README file inside
   debian/tests/test_data, if it becomes possible to run these while testing
   at a later stage.
   2. To copy the test_data to a temp folder inside the testing chroot, I
   have added an install file inside the debian folder. Is this the right way
   to do it?

I have also updated the changelog (and marked the bug resolved) and added a
README.test file inside debian.
Please let me know if I missed out anything, and if not, please review and
sponsor these changes.


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