Le dimanche, 1 mars 2020, 16.43:56 h CET Kevin Locke a écrit :
> Accessing CUPS via https://hostname:631 works while
> https://hostname.example.com:631 fails with 400 Bad Request if
> cupsd.conf does not contain either "HostNameLookups on" or
> "ServerAlias printserver.example.com".  This is a divergence from
> upstream, where the FQDN returned by gethostname(2) is automatically
> added as a ServerAlias.
> It appears to be an untended side-effect of
> 0026-Do-not-use-host-names-for-broadcasting-print-queues-.patch for
> LP#449586.  Perhaps we could consider a different way to disable name
> broadcasting without removing the ServerAlias for the FQDN which is used
> for HTTP host checking?

Have you tried building and testing without this patch?

After 4+ years, it seems realistic to try without this patch again but: a) 
only if we're sure it helps, b) only after 2.3.1-11 is migrated to testing.


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