Package: dctrl-tools
Version: 2.24-3
Control: tags -1 patch

grep-dctrl -w -s Package "python3-pandas" /var/lib/apt/lists/*_debian_dists_sid_main_source_Sources doesn't find influxdb-python, jsonpickle, poretools and tqdm, while the same without the -w does. (This caused me to be unaware of #950063.) All these packages have their python3-pandas build-dependency listed last.

This happens when searching a whole entry, but not when searching particular fields (-F).

Fix (also adding support for build profiles <> without a preceding space, though I'm not sure if those are actually allowed):

--- dctrl-tools-2.24.orig/lib/atom.c
+++ dctrl-tools-2.24/lib/atom.c
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include "version.h"

 #define RE_PKG_BEGIN   "(^| )"
-#define RE_PKG_END     "([, \\(]|$)"
+#define RE_PKG_END     "([, \\(\n<]|$)"

 void atom_finish(struct atom * atom)

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