* Joerg Dorchain <jo...@dorchain.net> [200303 05:15]:
> On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 10:57:41AM +0100, Andras Korn wrote:
> > I filed https://github.com/neomutt/neomutt/issues/2161.
> Thanks for the effort, but:
> Duplicate #2002 and there's already pull request for it #2160.
> @gahr gahr closed this 6 minutes ago 
> Looks like cherry-pikcing that patch and thinking about the default setting.

No, #2002 is _not_ the same.  See my previous message.

Neomutt bug #2002 is about editing headers.  This Debian bug and Neomutt
#2161 are about commands in the message index.  The behaviors are
different in the two situations.

There are three behaviors being discussed:

1. old behavior:  backspace stays on the command line
2. new behavior:  backspace aborts the command
3. wrong behavior:  backspace invokes command with default argument

In #2002, while editing headers, you currently get "new behavior".  The
bug reporter wants "old behavior" (what the previous version of Neomutt
did in this situation).  The patch adds a config option to select which
you want.

In #2161, while in the message index, the previous version of Neomutt
gave "old behavior".  The current Neomutt gives "wrong behavior", _not_
"new behavior".

For example, type s and (assuming a save-hook matches for the message)
the command line shows:

Save to mailbox ('?' for list): +some_folder

Now keep backspacing until +some_folder is gone and backspace one more
time.  Instead of aborting the save, the message is actually saved to
+some_folder!  This is really, _really_ wrong!

First, #2161 must be fixed so it doesn't give "wrong behavior".  Then,
the patch needs to be tested to see if it affects both editing message
headers (#2002) and commands in the message index (#2161).  If it does,
great!  If it doesn't, the patch should be updated so that it does.

Then, the default needs to be decided.

Holding the backspace key down is common practice for some people as a
way of erasing the default prompt in preparation for typing a different

Both for this reason and to reduce surprise and change, I feel that the
default should be "old behavior", but I can live with setting the option
myself if other people would rather have "new behavior" as the default.

There is one more reason that having backspace remain on the command
line instead of aborting is a better default.  If someone has bound the
backspace key to some action in the message index (or in the message
editing screen), holding down the backspace key could invoke the bound
action on one (or several) messages in the index, depending on how
quickly the user releases the key.


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