Joerg Dorchain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Moreover, the file seminar.bg3 you sent doesn't contain any copyright
>> and license statement, and therefore may not be distributed.  Upstream
>> should correct that, and it would also be nice to know where upstream
>> is. 
> seminar.bg3 is taken from a usenet post. Reference is e.g.
> or news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (Sorry, french only)
> The author is obviously the same Denis GIROU who supposedly maintains

Hm, if he actually *maintains* it, I usually would assume that there's a
reason why he has not uploaded the correction to - e.g. because
he thinks it needs more testing, or he actually has found a bug in bg3.

As I said, we generally don't update single files in tetex, because it
would simply be too much work - it would mean to maintain our own,
Debian-specific TeX distribution.  We do consider updating certain
critical things, but for sure this requires that the upstream author
says "you should *really* have this", and not just posts it somewhere in

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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