
The test package provided elsewhere in this bug may have an invalid
md5sums file. As detailed in commit 822d4b70, the specifications
explain that newlines are escaped with a backslash but are printed


That is also how the md5sum tool behaves. It can be tested on any file system.

The test package, however, ships an md5sums file in a different
format. That file, which is reproduced in full below, renders the
newline as 'n', a customary control character. That is incorrect and
defective. It should have an actual newline character with the value

e367e202f03b5f62800ece455a165565  usr/share/doc/newline/changelog.gz
\d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  usr/share/newline/\n/etc/issue

This detail was probably not noticed when the bug was closed because
Lintian dequoted file names in various places. When all file indices
were made true, Lintian produced this output:

$ frontend/lintian ../bugs/newline/newline_1_all.deb
E: newline: extended-description-is-empty
E: newline: md5sums-lists-nonexistent-file usr/share/newline/n/etc/issue
E: newline: no-copyright-file
W: newline: file-missing-in-md5sums usr/share/newline/\n/etc/issue

As one can see, the files names did not match. Lintian replaces all
newlines with \n when printing tags. The fact that they look the same
is the give-away.

The package newline.deb is exotic, and current tools may refuse to
produce it. Unfortunately, it also contains an invalid list of

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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