Hi Anthony

March 9, 2020 8:30 AM, "Anthony Fok" <f...@debian.org> wrote:

> Control: severity -1 serious
> Control: tags -1 + ftbfs sid
> Control: found -1 0.18.0-1
> On Fri, 28 Feb 2020 17:38:13 +0100 Michael Fladischer <fl...@debian.org> 
> wrote:
>> Source: libsass-python
>> Severity: wishlist
>> Hash: SHA512
>> Dear Maintainer,
>> right now there is 0.19.4 available from upstream. Would you consider 
>> uploading
>> an updated package to the archive?
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
> Dear Frédéric,
> I understand that the reason you uploaded libsass-python 0.18.0-1 in
> January 2020, even though 0.19.4 was already released November 2019,
> was to match the existing libsass 3.5.5-4 in Debian.


> That changed about 10 days ago on 2020-02-28 when I uploaded libsass
> 3.6.3-1 to Debian sid, and indeed, libsass-python 0.18.0-1 FTBFS with
> libsass 3.6.3-1 with the following errors:
> FAIL: test_importer_returns_wrong_tuple_size_too_big
> (sasstests.CompileTestCase)
> FAIL: test_importer_returns_wrong_tuple_size_zero (sasstests.CompileTestCase)
> FAIL: test_importers_raises_exception (sasstests.CompileTestCase)
> FAIL: test_error (sasstests.CustomFunctionsTest)
> FAIL: test_raises (sasstests.CustomFunctionsTest)
> FAIL: test_returns_unknown_object (sasstests.CustomFunctionsTest)
> FAIL: test_warning (sasstests.CustomFunctionsTest)
> which all go away with libsass-python 0.19.4.

expected at some point :)
I remember having checked in January the status of libsass which latest
version was still in experimental.

> So, it would be great if you could upload libsass-python 0.19.4-1. :-)
> In case you are busy, since I have been fixing the ruby-sassc and
> node-node-sass packages which also FTBFS due to the libsass 3.6.3
> upgrade, I would be very happy to make an NMU upload of libsass-python
> 0.19.4-0.1, which I have prepared at my fork at
> https://salsa.debian.org/foka/libsass-python, and which I am happy to
> upload any time, with your permission of course.

It would be a shame to lose the work you've done already and that I didn't
do, so feel free to NMU libsass-python.

> Please let me know soon, especially because I would like to solve all
> remaining libsass 3.6.3 upgrade issues, hopefully in time for Ubuntu
> 20.04 LTS release.

No worries, thanks a bunch for all the work and kind mail.


> Many thanks!
> Yours truly,
> Anthony Fok

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