Dear Sam

>From an outsider perspective, this doesn't look like something that belongs in 
>the bug system.  I don't know your point of view but it looks spiteful.

The volunteer was elected as a community representative and he's been hounded 
ever since.  It looks like he asked people to stop these games, he resigned and 
he was still chased.

Making up reasons and stories to justify this retrospectively doesn't wash with 
me.  Nobody ever presented any evidence of wrongdoing before, you can't just 
make it up now and declare it to be true because you are the leader.

Please think about removing these records of vendettas from Debian.  You always 
talk about healing but there is no healing when these records are persisted in 
all the Debian tools, you are making Debian a target and setting the standard 
for future confrontation.


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