tag 821037 - moreinfo


On Tue, 26 Apr 2016 08:57:13 +0200 Martin Pitt <mp...@debian.org> wrote:
> Antonio Terceiro [2016-04-14 18:06 -0300]:
> > When using adt-virt-lxc, sometimes containers will not be properly shut 
> > down,
> > or not properly destroyed.
> Do you have the corresponding adt-run logs? I'd like to check what
> happened there, either the cleanup doesn't happen in some exit path,
> or the cleanup actually fails.

We're seeing this quite a lot currently on our ci.d.n infrastructure,
and maybe also on Ubuntu's infra, as reported in bug #908193 (I'm not
sure if that is actually a duplicate or different.)

E.g. a recent log [1] ends like this:
autopkgtest [21:21:18]: test compile-policy:  - - - - - - - - - -
results - - - - - - - - - -
compile-policy       PASS
autopkgtest [21:21:18]: test test-installed: preparing testbed
<VirtSubproc>: failure: ['sudo', 'timeout', '600', 'lxc-stop',
'--quiet', '--kill', '--name', 'ci-081-36080d53'] failed (exit status
124, stderr '')
autopkgtest [21:31:18]: ERROR: testbed failure: cannot send to testbed:
[Errno 32] Broken pipe

The container is still running.



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