Source: kopanocore
Version: 8.7.0-7
Severity: important

Currently kopanocore is failing tests with python3-defaults that has
python3.8 as default + Testing to test python3-defaults migration.
Additionally, kopanocore can't migrate from Unstable to Testing before

The reason for both of these issues is that python3-mapi is only
compiled to support the default python3 version (3.7 in Testing and 3.8
in Unstable as of this writing).  As a result, the python3-mapi from
Testing isn't installable with the python3-defaults from Unstable (thus
the test failure) and the python3-mapi from Sid is't installable in
Testing (and thus the migration block).

This kind of situation is exactly why it is preferable to build compiled
binary Python extensions for all supported versions.  While it's
probably non-trivial to figure out how to do it, once it's done it will
avoid kopanocore getting tangled up in these transitions in the future,
so there will be a real pay off.

I'm filing this as important because it complicates the transition, but
there's no clear RC/policy issue to warrant something higher.  We don't
have a severity 'really important', but if we did, I think this would be

Thanks for considering,

Scott K

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