On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 11:20:53AM +0100, Christian Hammers wrote :
> It was running when you started the upgrade *and* it is enabled in 
> /etc/runlevel.conf (or /etc/rc*.d)?

'Yes' to both questions :)

> If so it should have been restarted indeed. Did it print something on the
> screen?

I did not see anything special, and the terminal I used is now closed...

> If not it probably tried to start bug failed. In this case you
> should see something in /var/log/syslog (e.g. messages about the BerkeleyDB
> or InnoDB components failing to start).

Yeah, I definetly see strange things in syslog.

Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 050222 10:36:22 /usr/sbin/mysqld: 
Shutdown Complete
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: mysqld got signal 11;
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: This could be because you hit a bug. 
It is also possible that this binary
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: or one of the libraries it was linked 
against is corrupt, improperly built,
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: or misconfigured. This error can also 
be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: We will try our best to scrape up some 
info that will hopefully help diagnose
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: the problem, but since we have already 
crashed, something is definitely wrong
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: and this may fail.
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: key_buffer_size=16777216
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: read_buffer_size=131072
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: max_used_connections=0
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: max_connections=100
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: threads_connected=0
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: It is possible that mysqld could use 
up to 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + 
sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 233983 K
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: bytes of memory
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some 
variables in the equation.
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: thd=(nil)
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: Attempting backtrace. You can use the 
following information to find out
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: where mysqld died. If you see no 
messages after this, something went
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: terribly wrong...
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: Cannot determine thread, 
fp=0xbffff23c, backtrace may not be correct.
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0x810e0cb
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0xffffe420
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: (nil)
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0x810d839
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0x810f465
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0x4102e904
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: 0x80bf391
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity 
check, terminating stack trace!
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: Please read 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Using_stack_trace.html and follow in 
structions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: stack trace is much more helpful in 
diagnosing the problem, so please do 
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: resolve it
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: The manual page at 
http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Crashing.html contains
Feb 22 10:36:22 grumpf mysqld_safe[410]: information that should help you find 
out what is causing the crash.

And shortly after this I started it manually and it went ok:
Feb 22 10:37:58 grumpf mysqld_safe[3241]: started
Feb 22 10:37:59 grumpf mysqld[3244]: 050222 10:37:59  InnoDB: Started
Feb 22 10:37:59 grumpf mysqld[3244]: /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.

> I assume you upgraded from 4.0.23-6?

You're right.

Thanks for your help,

<Jayce> eluom // Windows a beaucoup de pascal 
<Jayce> à la base 
-- Jayce - On en apprend tous les jours --

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