Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed 05 Apr 2006, Frank Küster wrote:
>> Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > If you enter a value via the debconf dialog that indicates that wwwoffle
>> > should regularly fetch its list, then why remove the cron.d entry...
>> Because debconf is not a registry.  It's a frontend for maintainer
>> scripts to interact with local admins, but the actuall *settings* are
>> stored in /etc/.
> I'm talking about the case where you just entered a value,
> interactively.

But I may have changed my mind, and i shouldn't be forced to use debconf
then.  No, I *mustn't* be forced.

> As I said above: I'm talking about the case where you just entered a
> value, interactively.  Say, the configuration is parsed (the cron.d file
> is missing, so debconf is seeded with "never"), the user changes that to
> every 30 minutes, hence expects that from that moment on wwwoffle will
> fetch its list every 30 minutes. However, you demand that the postinst
> should never recreate the cron.d file, as the user removed it. 

No, I don't demand that.  I only demand that the postinst script not
create the file unconditionally.  If a debconf question is seeded with
"no", asked or not, and the postinst script acts according to the
answer, everything is fine.

>> This case can easily be distinguished because, like a postinst, config
>> gets a second parameter which is the version number of the
>> last-configured (i.e. the currently installed) package.  If it's a fresh
>> install, $2 is empty.
> No, it's freshly installed, but the user runs dpkg-reconfigure because
> he wants to turn on the fetch feature, which he didn't turn on during
> the initial install; that's the situation I meant to demonstrate; sorry
> if that wasn't clear.

So, where's the problem?  He's asked the question, changes from "no" to
"yes" and a specific value, and the change is done - or he doesn't
change, either because he doesn't want to, or he doesn't see the
questions, and no change is done.

>> I'd offer to write a patch if you don't want to, or don't have time to
>> dig into this.
> If you could take into account all possible situations... then please.
> Note that I am in the process of packaging 2.9, and the maintainer
> script will be changed a lot (I'm taking out support for upgrading from
> before woody, which will simplify things and which should be more than
> enough).

Is the new maintainer script available somewhere?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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