On 4/18/20 2:40 AM, Martina Ferrari wrote:
> Merge request created at
> https://salsa.debian.org/openstack-team/third-party/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain/-/merge_requests/1
> On 18/04/2020 01:29, Martina Ferrari wrote:
>> Source: sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
>> Version: 1.5.0-1
>> Severity: grave
>> Tags: patch
>> Justification: renders package unusable
>> I have been unable to use this package for a few months, but could not find
>> what I was doing wrong, and assumed that such a basic problem would be
>> affecting other users, but there are no bugs reported. I guess this package 
>> has
>> no users :-)
>> Since version 1.5.0-1, the http domain is not registered with Sphinx when
>> loading this plugin, and therefore, all :http:* directives are ignored and
>> discarded when generating the documentation.
>> The problem is that this version included a patch that comes from this
>> upstream commit[1], but it is missing the fix added a couple of days after in
>> this other commit[2].
>> Just adding the commit at [2] as a patch fixes the problem. I am opening now 
>> a merge
>> request in salsa including it.
>> [1]: 
>> https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain/commit/50166fc7caedccf4ce1cd58a4d130a36f27eb739
>> [2]: 
>> https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/httpdomain/commit/8243bb6ec1ea0f3c96e0ed6177e743963fdd908b

Thanks a lot for the patch, it's uploaded!


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