On Sun, Mar 01, 2020 at 10:30:26AM +0000, Netzwerge Mirror Admin wrote:
> Site: mirror.netzwerge.de
> Type: leaf
> Archive-architecture: amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386
> Archive-http: /debian/
> Maintainer: Netzwerge Mirror Admin <mir...@netzwerge.de>
> Country: DE Germany
> Location: Hamburg
> Sponsor: Netzwerge GmbH https://www.netzwerge.de

thanks for mirroring Debian.  I'll be adding the mirror to our list in a moment.

One thing our checking script noticed though:

o The tracefile at
  is missing some required information.

  We expect at least the Maintainer and Upstream-mirror values to be filled in,
  and your tracefile is missing one or both of them.


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