package: debian-installer

Hi, for powerpc 
oldword only shows  four types of boot images (businesscard CD, netinst CD, 
netboot, floppy) and misses the 2.4-floppies.

IMHO this also leads to the confused comment "working(?), but legal problems".

IMHO there should be two rows:

ppc-oldworld-floppies  no successful reports, please report! legal problems 
with miboot
ppc-oldworld-floppies-2.4 working, but legal problems with miboot

I have never had success with the 2.6-pmac-bootfloppy myself (last tried on 
2005-02-21) and svenl did confirm this. (He remembered some success in 
Oldenburg but hat stopped working mysteriously.)

BTW, why hasn't the oldworld netboot image been part of rc2 ? Or of more 
interest: will the oldworld netboot image be part of rc3 ?


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