Source: socat
Severity: medium

Hi, all socat versions work fine with except for the current sid version,
Please consider packaging that doesn't have the regression.

Details: Epoptes is a computer lab management tool, I'm upstream and Debian maintainer for it. It uses socat to forward a "student" terminal to the "teacher". To reproduce the issue without installing Epoptes, the following similar commands may be used instead:

Teacher (just run it in a terminal tab):
xterm -e socat tcp-listen:1234,reuseaddr,keepalive=1 stdio,raw,echo=0

Student (just run it in another terminal tab):
TERM=xterm socat EXEC:'screen bash -l',pty,stderr tcp:localhost:1234

This works fine with all socat versions except
In, it's like line buffering is enabled or something similar, and pressing for example the up arrow in the keyboard shows "^[OA" instead of displaying the last bash command. Thus, the forwarded xterm is almost unusable.

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