Additional feedback from pip upstream:

> <dstufft> what pipx is doing is actually a bit more interesting than I
> thought <dstufft> they're actually running pip via the command line as
> expected, but they're sort of creating a weird custom installed version in
> a way
> <dstufft> they're creating a virtual environment without pip
> installed into it, and then using a .pth file it appears to magic it up so
> that "import pip" inside that virtualenv, actually pulls from the base
> python install
> <dstufft> it doesn't really change my answer, I wouldn't
> call that supported by upstream and if that ticket had opened up on pip's
> repo due to a change we made, I would have shrugged and said sorry and
> closed it

That said, while I don't think this is a pip bug, we'll take a look and see if 
we can resolve the issue as he had some suggestions for that as well.

Scott K

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