On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 10:35:49AM +0400, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> Dear Bill, thanks for your message.

Hello Jerome

> I understand that GAP comes now with an official ABI.

Yes, one for gap-core which is gap-kernel-7,
and one for libgap which is libgap7, but they should be

> Currently the package gap-io depends for building on gap and gap-dev,
> while the package itself depends only on gap.

Yes. Ideally at some point it will be build against libgap, but not yet.

> You asked to make it depends on gap-kernel-7.
> My understanding is that gap-kernel-7 is not a package.

gap-kernel-7 is a virtual package provided by gap-core.

> I could build the package gap-io on a sane Sid environment (schroot)
> without modification. But, the resulting gap-io package still depends
> only depends on gap.
> Do you mean that I must add by hand libgap7 to the list of dependencies
> (as ${shlibs:Depends} does not add it) ?

No, I suggested you add gap-kernel-7 by hand instead.

There might be a way to automate this by reading
/usr/lib/gap/sysinfo.gap, recovering GAP_KERNEL_MAJOR_VERSION
and adding a dpkg substvar for gap-kernel-$GAP_KERNEL_MAJOR_VERSION

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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