Чт 30 апр 2020 @ 12:42 Jonas Smedegaard <d...@jones.dk>:

> Quoting Jan Wielemaker (2020-04-30 11:40:32)
>> On 4/28/20 5:26 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>> > Quoting Jan Wielemaker (2020-04-28 16:56:30)
>> >> That is worth a try.  I guess that implies that generating 
>> >> SWI-Prolog (as package) also generates this hash.  What kind of 
>> >> support would be needed from SWI-Prolog to make this work?  Some 
>> >> script/command to create this hash for a particular system?
>> > 
>> > Thanks for your interest in this challenge :-)
>> > 
>> > Yes, if ABI is computed during build then what would be helpful is 
>> > to extend that to expose the computed ABI as a single string.  Maybe 
>> > add it as an additional note in output of "swipl --version"?
>> > 
>> > Or if possible to (re)compute at runtime then just document that, 
>> > for us distribution maintainers to integrate into our packaging 
>> > routines.
>> I think I cover this nicely now:
>> janw (linux; master) 68_> swipl --abi_version
>> swipl-2-67-792e14f8-de23899e
>> There is a section in the docs explaining the various binary ABIs and 
>> what aspects rely on them.  There is a new function PL_version() in 
>> the C api that can be used to query the versions individually.
>> The above says:
>>    - Backward compatibility version of the foreign interface is 2
>>    - Saved state file format can be loaded when not older than 67
>>    - 792e14f8 is a fingerprint for the C-defined foreign predicate
>>      signatures.
>>    - de23899e is a fingerprint of the VM instructions and their
>>      signatures.
>> Does this adequately solve your problems?  Do you see other
>> requirements?
>> Can you test on this, or would you rather wait for an official
>> 8.1.30?  I can create that now if that is useful to speedup
>> stabilizing stuff to get at 8.2.0.
> That sounds really great. Thanks!
> I _think_ above described interfaces and documentation is enough for 
> implementing the most elegant packaging that I can imagine.
> @Lev, would you be willing to make a development snapshot (e.g. targeted 
> Debian experimental) then I am fine playing with that for refining an 
> elegant packaging mechanism.  Or if you would prefer only releasing 
> official code then please say so.  Or say if you are too busy to playing 
> with this now - there is no hurry from my side :-)

I would prefer next release, 8.1.30, but since I will have time for it
only next week (or maybe on coming Sunday) there's no hurry for Jan too
(I mean to tag 8.1.30).


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