(Adding the Ruby team to the loop.)

Hi team, Rogério,

On 20-05-11 15:22:04, Rogério Brito wrote:
> On May 10 2020, Georg Faerber wrote:
> > On 20-05-10 17:24:12, Rogério Brito wrote:
> > > Since I don't know much ruby, I guess that it would be best to
> > > have people from the Ruby team maintain and/or package it. I am
> > > even willing to co-maintain it, if necessary, but, again, my
> > > knowledge of Ruby is minimal.
> > 
> > If you're interested in learning (on your own) and improving your
> > Ruby packaging skills, I'm happy to give you any help necessary.
> Thanks for the kind message. I gave it a shot with gem2deb and I
> produced a (very) preliminary package. It is at:
> https://github.com/rbrito/pkg-pdfbeads
> The changelog, in particular, is very cluttered and should be cleaned,
> among other things. Regarding ruby-specific packaging stuff, I would
> love to get comments and/or corrections.
> The package providing jbig2 should, really, be a Recommends instead of
> a Suggests, but since it is not in Debian yet, I left it as is for the
> time being.
> > Let me know in case you're interested.
> While I'm not sure if I am able to maintain this package (let's say
> that some use asks for a new feature), I won't know how to proceed.
> Assistance and opinions is highly appreciated.

I would like to mentor Rogério and help them "learning by doing". To
make this easier, an account on salsa.d.o with (limited) access to the
team and/or the repo makes sense, IMHO.



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