Package: nbc
Version: 1.2.1.r4+dfsg-9


Moving your request to the bug tracker, to make sure it is tracked there.

[Paul Cobbaut]
> Hello,
> I humbly believe there is a compiler bug in nbc in Debian. The line:
> RemoteStopProgram(SLAVE_CONN);
> does not compile. I have frequent Bluetooth communication between two NXT
> bricks, and that all works fine. It is just this one line that always fails
> to compile. I have tried many variations on this line, in different
> locations in the program, but to no avail.
> See also:
> I understand this is an old program, and that a fix may not be coming.
> greetings,
> paul

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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