Hi Bernhard,
  I'm the net-snmp Debian package maintainer.

On Tue, 19 May 2020 at 22:36, Bernhard Schmidt <be...@debian.org> wrote:
> The old python-netsnmp bindings from src:net-snmp were Python2-only
> and are now dropped from Bullseye/Sid.
You could have also said the net-snmp python bindings were terrible
and deserved to be deleted, but that's a kinder way of putting it.
Really they suffered from bit-rot and had a lot of important features
missing, python 3 being the most obvious one.

> python3-pysnmp4 is a pure-python
> implementation that is said to be very slow and even the high-level API
> is not easy to use (see the examples at
I actually liked the API he used, but nothing is simple about SNMP.

> Note that the upstream project is looking for a new maintainer and
> appears to be quite dormant. There are issues with Python 3.7+, but a pull
> request is available and has been verified to work. I don't intend to
> upload to Debian until these issues have been resolved.
SNMP projects seem to be hard to maintain. It's a fiddly protocol for sure.

Anyway, if you need any help with the net-snmp library or just someone
to bounce ideas off, I'm here. I don't want to maintain easysnmp but
willing to help when it's needed.

Hopefully, the upstream issues get sorted! Until we have more snmp
libraries than IRC clients I say more the merrier!

 - Craig

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