On Mon, 13 Apr 2020 11:27:31 +0200 Tilman Heinrich wrote:
> I installed squid early when I set up a special router. The start
> repeatedlyfails by inaccessibility of files at the dedicated /var
> partition (dev/md1). The result was a stopped squid service due to a
> failed restart.
> The first solution was to change the triggered path for restart in
> /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/squid from /usr/sbin to /var/log. Later I
> found that the unit decription in the systemd configuration file
> /lib/systemd/system/squid.service is incomlete, because of the omitted
> depency for the local-fs.target. So I copied the file to
> /etc/systemd/system/squid.service and added the missing depency to the
> "After=" statement - this should be the default for the unit description
> under /lib/systemd/system/ when started up by systemd.

The FHS paths are supposed to be mounted by systemd basic.target which
is itself supposed to be automatically added to the dependencies by
systemd itself.

It sounds like the non-local mounting is done in a non-systemd way on
your filesystem, or with some mount options that confuse systemd (not hard).

To integrate local requirements with squid.service defaults, run:

 sudo systemctl edit squid.service

then enter any systemd settings you need for the local customizations.
AFAIK, the settings there will be added to the Squid package ones. So
should be no need to copy the normal squid.service contents.


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