Source: flatbuffers Version: 1.11.0+dfsg1-1.3 Severity: serious Tags: patch ftbfs
Dear colleagues, I tried to build flatbuffers for buster/amd64, and got the following symbols missing: * _ZN11flatbuffers14IntToStringHexB5cxx11Eii@Base 1.11.0+dfsg This is an inline symbol, g++ 8.3.0 inlined it properly instead of making it weak. * _ZN11flatbuffers9GetFieldSERKNS_5TableERKN10reflection5FieldE@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 Also inline symbol * _ZN11flexbuffers7Builder5AlignENS_8BitWidthE@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZN11flexbuffers7Builder6EndMapEm@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZN11flexbuffers7Builder8WriteAnyERKNS0_5ValueEh@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZN11flexbuffers7BuilderD1Ev@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZN11flexbuffers7BuilderD2Ev@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZNK10reflection5Field6VerifyERN11flatbuffers8VerifierE@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZNK11flexbuffers9Reference8AsUInt64Ev@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 * _ZNSt6vectorIhSaIhEE17_M_realloc_insertIJhEEEvN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPhS1_EEDpOT_@Base 1.11.0+dfsg1 NOT inlined symbols but missing nonetheless despute of "optional" tagging. I have created a PR on Salsa to fix the missing symbols and also the lintian errors on newly-added symbols: Building the same fixed git snapshot for buster and sid on amd64 completed successfully, the build artifacts were used to rebuild Kodi whuch runs successfully on buster. Please review the PR and push the updated revision to unstable. Pushing the same release to stable would be ideal as well. -- Vasyl Gello
Description: PGP signature