[Rob Brown]
> Is this Issue still open? Is it still a problem in the latest version?
> Or can I close this RT Ticket now?

The code in question seem to be this section from Net/Server.pm version

    if ($addr && defined $prop->{'reverse_lookups'}) {
        if ($INC{'Socket6.pm'} && Socket6->can('getnameinfo')) {
            my @res = Socket6::getnameinfo($addr, 0);
            $prop->{'peerhost'} = $res[0] if @res > 1;
            $prop->{'peerhost'} = gethostbyaddr($addr, AF_INET);

As far as I can tell, it only do reverse lookup without comparing it to
the addresses returned by a lookup of the name returned by the reverse
lookup, which seem to be the problem described in the CVE.

In short, I believe the problem from 2013 still is unsolved in version
2.009, but do not know the code and might have overlooked something.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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