Before I dig in to spending the coming weeks fixing firmware-ath9k-htc, which 
has more release-critical issues, an update on findings with LibreJS is due.

* I've contacted upstream about possibly removing the embedded code 
copies [1], which unfortunately some of which are included in Git also. They 
didn't get back to me, but since they're DFSG that should pose no problem.

* The build directions say browserify is needed (RFP #780357), but it looks 
like browserify-lite is good enough. I'm not sure it's strictly necessary to 
use browserify to pack the JS together at all, seeing that for Debian's sake 
it'd be better to avoid this as I believe most webext-* packages seem to 
install things unpacked. But if it's needed, it's doable.

And that's all I've concluded so far.


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